wanted looking for 7 Pot Chaguanas, Jonah yellow, and Antilles Fire :)

Hey guys I'm trying to finnish getting as many superhots planted before mid march and I realy want these varieties in my grow list this season :) I dont have much to offer since i had a failed harvest last year all i have to offer is seeds from 10 no 11 seeds sorry :(
heres what i have to offer:
Chocolate Fatalii
Peach Bhut
Lemon Bhut
Trinadad Scorpion
Golden Cayenne
Holiday Time
Zavory Habanero
and Aji Brazilian Starfish

pm me if you would like to trade i also am intrested in cool crosses with the trini scorps and 7 pods and naga peppers :) i would love to grow some out so i can see what these crosses will look like and how hot they are :)
Hey xc-- can help you out with a few of these. Scorp,peach bhut and chic fatalii. Send me a sase and will get them back to you.Pm me if you want my addy. Rich
i know she has it im just running out of money ordering from other sites and want to spread around some seeds to fellow thp members lol and rich i was offering those varieties not asking for them :)