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  1. arkansaspepperguy

    question about the aerogarden

    Hey everyone I have a question about the aerogarden. Ok I just bought one and I was wondering about using hydroponics nutrients in it than having to buy the tablets from aerogarden themselfs.
  2. arkansaspepperguy

    vietnamese black dragon pepper + the goatweed pepper = the same?

    here is a link to a auction I bought off ebay and a link to tonys forum picture.
  3. arkansaspepperguy

    seeds heres my jalapeno seedlings

    well heres what I've got so far if you see something I've done wrong just tell me please I'm new to this starting seeds.
  4. arkansaspepperguy

    condiment smooth salsa

    I'm looking for a recipe for a smooth salsa not chunky but the kind of salsa in mexican food joints. Anybody got one?
  5. arkansaspepperguy

    chinense naga jolokia questions

    I bought some naga jolokia seeds on ebay and I plant to put them in those deco pots and those roller things and taking them in the winter will it work and how should I go about doings this.
  6. arkansaspepperguy

    Anyone every growed this type of pepper?

    its called a vietnamese black dragon pepper. if you have could you tell me more about it.
  7. arkansaspepperguy

    question about seedlings

    I'm growing jalapeno seedlings and I was wondering how to keep them from being spindly.
  8. arkansaspepperguy

    super market peppers

    I just got back from the super market and I bought 5 anaheims, a package of orange habs, and a pack of mystery peppers I think they are banana peppers. all cost me $5.26
  9. arkansaspepperguy

    wanted looking for neat/rare/asian/weird/cool pepper seeds

    looking for some peppers from asia and other places anything like those send me a PM.
  10. arkansaspepperguy

    pepper seed question

    Could I buy these dried peppers in the supermarket and use the seeds to grow peppers? David "arkansaspepperguy" Rains