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  1. Tdub

    Beginner w/ First pepper garden - 2x2 tent grow - 150 watt - Coco Coir and GH Flora Nutrients

    Hello and Welcome to my first pepper grow journal. I am not a gardener and I don’t have access to a garden, so I am limited to growing in my basement. I WELCOME INPUT, SO PLEASE JUMP IN IF I AM DOING SOMETHING WRONG. I will be using a 2x2x6 grow tent to keep the plants warm and reflect more...
  2. Tdub

    New Grow Tent

    Greetings fellow pepper lovers, I just discovered this forum and it looks extremely useful for my next hobby. I am trying to find a new hobby for these cold winter months and a friend suggested that I try indoor gardening. I started by attempting herbs, but peppers grow much faster. These...