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  1. BlindBleu

    iQhilika African bird's Eye Chili mead

    Found this on the internet. I may to get a bottle to see....smiles
  2. BlindBleu

    Ranch Dressing With Yellow/Orange Fire

    I make Ranch Dressing using Hidden Valley Dressing Mixes. I make large amounts of it so I use the large canister rather than the packets. But will use packets for this recipe. Add 2 packets of Salad Dressing & Seasoning Mix, normal recipe calls for just 1 but my wife and I like a stronger...
  3. BlindBleu

    Powdered Peppers

    I am looking for powdered Red Savina, Habanero and Ghost Peppers. But I am looking for larger sizes than 4 oz. If anyone knows of store in the DFW area that carries them that would be great, otherwise good online source(s) would be good. Thanks
  4. BlindBleu

    Greetings From Texas

    Hello from Texas. My Name is Sam, I am a recovering Pepper Head. But I keep falling off the no Pepper Wagon. :lol: