Search results

  1. Blackseed

    I have started a new cartoon blog

    Hello fellow chileheads! I like making people laugh and thought I'd like to share my brand new blog with you. It is my single panel cartoons. They are general humor but will occasionally be hot sauce/chile related. Please support me and 'follow' me. Check it out...
  2. Blackseed

    event Anything in AZ? Anything? Hello? "Spicy Southwest"...Beuller....

    Is there anything spicy down here (Phoenix) as far as festivals or events go? Or am I going to have to organize something?! :dance:
  3. Blackseed

    Any of you caught a baseball at a Major League game?

    If you have, come over to the Facebook group I started and tell your story (or share you ESPN video like one lucky member!). Thanks everyone. Keeping it hot! -Black Seed
  4. Blackseed

    Coconut milk in hot sauce

    I have been making a coconut milk based hot sauce that is fantastic! Problem is that it spoils after a month or so. I refrigerate it but it still does this. I am no pro at culinary arts so don't really know how to fix that if there is a way. It includes whole limes, habs, and a few other...
  5. Blackseed

    Cheapest place for 5oz woozy bottles?

    I have a few really weird and unique hot sauces that I like to make and would like to start bottling and selling them. I will start on a very small scale. I am looking to buy 24 5oz woozy bottles with caps and heat shrink bands. The cheapest I have found so far on the 'net is 33.95 (after S/H)...
  6. Blackseed

    Ever had Mrs Tull's Home Made Hot Sauce

    I can't find this sauce for sale anywhere! It is on page 19 of The Great Hot Sauce Book (which I just assume you all have - ha ha). Thanks for any help.
  7. Blackseed

    Making sauce in the house with a baby?

    I can't get any sauce made in my house because it makes my wife and baby cough cough cough all day. I use vents and open the windows. Still doeesn't help. What else can I do?! Any suggestions? I miss making sauce and am anxious to make more. Thanks
  8. Blackseed

    Any hot sauce shops in Fort Myers area?

    A buddy of mine is heading over there tomorrow. Any hot sauce shops or hot spots worth mentioning?
  9. Blackseed

    Manny Pacquiao or Shane Mosley??

    I am going Pacquiao in round 9 by TKO. And that will only be because he lets SSM survive that long. What do you think will be the result?
  10. Blackseed

    wanted Looking for an artist to draw single panel cartoons

    Hello fellow chileheads! I have been drawing single panel cartoons for years (think Farside, Bizarro, Brevity, F Minus ect...). I stink at drawing so I've never done anything with them. I am looking for someone who is willing to draw the cartoons I send them via email and send them back to...
  11. Blackseed

    How to best mail some fresh pods?

    I am helping out a fellow THP member by sending some fresh habs up to AK. I've never done this before. Anyone with experience in this that can give me some pointers? Would hate for a big ol' smelly package of black habs to arrive! Thanks
  12. Blackseed

    spirits Chile vodka and tabasco tequila

    My Mom just sent me this link. Anyone try any of these?
  13. Blackseed

    hot-sauce Cheap S/H for hot sauce anywhere?

    Anyone have a recommendation for a website that allows you to buy a single bottle of hot sauce w/o the S/H being practically the same price you're paying for the bottle itself? Also, I don't know what it is. I like having the old fashioned paper catalog at home. I have only found a couple hot...
  14. Blackseed

    Suzanne's Hot Stuff

    I've never been there but there's a hot sauce shop in Cave Creek, AZ ( I can't wait to go but just haven't gotten up there. The only other hot sauce shop I've been to was in Monterey, CA but they moved to FL. Also, I ate at the ESPN restaurant in Seattle last...
  15. Blackseed

    Howdy from The Sonoran Desert!

    I just wanted to check in and say hello. I am horrible at growing chiles (so far), a hot sauce addict, and just an all around everything-is-bland-without-spice kind of guy! :woohoo: