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  1. Super David

    1-1-1 npk ratio

    I've been reading threads in here about having a 1-1-1 fertilizer.  Seems to be something worth trying. But I can't for the life of me find any nutrients in Australia that are 1-1-1. I've been using dutch master advance for my chilies but I dont feel like they like it. Sometimes I can get them...
  2. Super David

    Hydroponic Atlantic Pumpkin

    Well here I am giving it another crack! Trying to beat my own record of 18kg last season. So far so good! Plenty of time left in the season and I have one swelling up very quickly!         Its been two days since this photo was taken!   This is what it looks like now!
  3. Super David

    Moth/Grub Identification

    Hey guys, I know alot of you are in America but maybe we share an enemy? Do any of you know what type of moth/grub this is and how i can control it? Its destroying alot of my chilies!!
  4. Super David

    Jumbo Pumpkin

    I tried one in dwc on the tail end of the last season and it flowered but never produced a pumpkin. So this season I've started early and my vine is going nuts! and I've had 4 female flowers come out. So far one didn't polinate and the second one may or may not be polinated now, it looks a bit...
  5. Super David

    What kind of seed is this??

    A guy from America sent these to me as part of packaging for something else. I'm curious to know what they are. Do any of you guys know?
  6. Super David

    Hydroponic Mango Tree

    Thought I'd give it a shot! Its only just gone into the system, so hopefully its not dead by tomorrow!
  7. Super David

    What on earth is this???

    I got this off ebay labeled as a Butch T. (yeah I was before I found this site) Its producing all kinds of different pods and I can't tell what this sucker is. First all the pods coming out were pretty small, shiny and dark green and the more that came out the bigger some of them got...
  8. Super David

    Not a Butch T! what is it?

    bought this as a butch t of ebay, but I'm fairly certain its not. maybe one in 30 pods come out looking like the first picture. all the rest come out with more of a longer shape. Its bloody hot! my mate and I ate one of his that fell off before it was ripe and it felt like it was hot like a...
  9. Super David

    hydroponic Hydroponic Scorpion

    thought I'd put up some photos of my hydroponic scorpion. its very full of flowers!
  10. Super David

    Aji Limon Sleeping?

    So this guy sprouted a few days ago, and i put it straight into my indoor hydroponic set up. While the light is on it stays open like this. But when the light is off or even a couple of hours before the light goes off he closes up like this. whats the go here? I didnt think these guys slept...
  11. Super David

    Orange Bantam?

    hey guys I bought this seedling labled as an Orange Bantam, I've googled the name and not much comes up. Do any of you guys recognise this chili but as having a different name? I know nothing about it!
  12. Super David

    Chili Tongue

    hey guys, seen this before? why does my chili have a tongue?
  13. Super David


    I was given this monster with the matching balast a little while ago. is it a metal halide? other than it being made by phiips and 2000 watt I can't read much on the bulb, the info is on the back side. its bloody massive, too big for practical use really. What to do with it?