favorite 1 or 2 favorite peppers to grow for 2016

I have what I wanted last year but it seems every year  time I log into THP I find something else I want to try.
This year I want to get anything CARDI and/or MOA. Never tried any but I have to think if an entire region wants to put a stamp of approval on them they must be tasty, spicy, easy to grow, and prolific.
Seems worthy of a section of the garden for at least a year.
Depends on what color you want. If you want a chocolate hab that throws tons of pods then Black Stinger....the best orange out there I'd say Bahamian Goat with BOC in second place. For Baccatuum I'd vote Queen Laurie but it is a looooooooong season pepper. Can't go wrong with Brazilian Starfish. You already have a bad ass red and a purple/peachy! For yellow the only one I'll eat is Bad Brains.