• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

15,000 posts. Here it is.

This is it, THE 15,000th post. A new record for the forum and for myself. Exactly 6 months, 3 days and a few hours from my 10,000th post which means I averaged around 27 posts a day. Yep, that’s right, I just did math AND had not a single spelling error in one post!

Thanks to all the wonderful THP members for without your great efforts, we wouldn’t have the great site that we do. Thanks to TheHotPepper.com himself for spending his time and effort to keep this community running.

Other Special Thanks:

Rainbowberry- you pretty up an otherwise ugly sausage fest.
Texas_Blue- You WIN at FAIL! :lol:, thanks for all the salmon, you are an amazing artist when it comes to the smoker.
Lee- Your rare plants are an inspiration to us all.
Bentalphanerd- Come back to us!
Chilliman- Keep making those awesome sauces!
TheHippySeedCo- Neil, you do the chili-head world a great service with you videos and sauces. Keep up the AMAZING work!
Hellen Keller – If you are reading this you are a lying whore!
Fr0tran- thanks for all your help.
AJ- Wish I could fly out and have pints and peppers with you!
Defcon- I eagerly await your new product.
DaveReed- I miss you and Tigger! Feed him a Jalapeno for me.
Susan Johnson – Who the hell are you?
Frank Szaaatuke- I hate to break it to you buddy, but you are not real, I made you up a few minutes ago.
Omri- PIE!!! PIE!!!

Here’s to 15,000 very questionable posts and I’m on my way to breaking 20,000. See you there in 6 months!
imaguitargod said:
It might, THP may take the site down one day. :lol:

Nah i think THP would have to pry this forum from our cold dead hands before he shut it down!

Congrats sir whoreius maximus :mouthonfire:
Good job eh. I think a few hundred of those post are just talking about how many post you have. You are the THP post whore king:)
Good job eh. I think a few hundred of those post are just talking about how many post you have. You are the THP post whore king:)
Kneel before your king! Or Zod, well...you should probably just kneel before Zod, he's mean.
Alright alright....I'm bowing and kneeling and and all that already. Geez louise...it's like you're some kind of God...only like...musically linked to instruments....like electric ones and such...Can I get up now? WAIT! You can't be that big of a God...you don't even have a cape! I see it all clearly now...You're just a post manwhore hanging out on a internet street corner waiting for your minions of tricks er..I mean forum fans to show up and respond to your post whoring and then you counter post and then they...oh it's such a vicious cycle...actually you've become more like a POST PIMP and WE are your whore's doing your bidding!

: Passow pimp slaps TB :

AHK! What was that for? I responded to your post!

Salute', TB!
texas blues said:
AHK! What was that for? I responded to your post!

Salute', TB!

That was for realising my grand scheme and saying it out loud.

texas blues said:
I responded to your post!

Salute', TB!
Which opened it up for me to respond and get that much closer to 20,000. :hell:
imaguitargod said:
That was for realising my grand scheme and saying it out loud.

Which opened it up for me to respond and get that much closer to 20,000. :hell:


: Rolls untapped Keg of FAIL over to Passow to toast the next 5,000 posts :

Salute', TB.
If only posts that are on topic where counted you would be at 179 right now.

Don't get me wrong - you are actually one of the reasons I'm still here. Look me up if you are ever in the northern part of Sweden;)
congrats Iggy...and you know if you are ever in my neck of the woods you are always welcome at my place...