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16 million SHU Capsaicin Crystals

Dose anyone know about how to get the crystals to turn to liquid ? I have heard that you have to mix them with Alcohol to get them to turn into a liquid. can any one help me out on this ?
I've heard alcohol or oil.
Darth Naga did mix some w/ Vodka and shook it like crazy. He did mention that this might not be the end-all solution, and stated that you may have to heat it should it still be separated, but I would try that.

seriously I have read for use in a sauce if you dissolve with alcohol and cook the sauce the alcohol will cook off and the cap will fall out of solution. What I read stated it is best to add the alcohol (that you dissolve it in) to your sauce last after cooking.
it is my understanding that capsacin is non polar which is why it will not dissolve well in water which is pretty damn polar.
a non polar solvent will dissolve it readily, however i dont know of a single non polar solvent you can eat... try warm oil?
After the rather uncomfortable look on DN's face I think I'll leave this stuff alone! But have to agree with Justaguy probably best to mix well with some vodka and add just before bottling. Just be sure to mix well or that first taste could be a WOWZER!
I harvested some from chillies (Bhut's, Naga's etc.) about 2 kg's of pods, then dissolved it in home made hooch. Here is the resulting pic (diluted still - but crazy hot!). So in theory take some of your crystals and pop them into a tiny amount of high alcohol vodka - or whatever takes your fancy! they should dissolve..
