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2007 Pepper grow log

Well, I finally got ahold of my girlfriend's camera, so its time for my grow update.

Everything listed is being grown hydroponically but with hand watering instead of an automated system.

Substrate: Coconut Coir + Perlite
Nutrients: Hesi Coco
Nutrient solution pH: 5.8
Feeding Schedule: Everyday to every 2 days, water til run-off.

On the porch:
1 Mucho Nacho Hybrid
1 Red Beauty Bell Pepper
1 Sun Bell
1 Habanero (from bonnie plants)
1 Supersweet 100 cherry tomato

In the closet(seedlings):
2 Beaver Dam
2 Red Savina Habanero
2 Gold Bullet Habanero
2 Caribbean Red Habanero
1 Dorset Naga
1 Pepperoncini

The naga is the one in the middle orange pot:

The mucho nacho is about to flower:

Two pics of the tomato. I punched holes in the bigger pot to hold up the tomato cage.
imaguitargod said:
Looking nice! I'm glad you are growing outside now.

Oh god, I'm going to have to do one of these threads arn't I?

Yeah, its nice to finally have a porch that faces south & gets good sun. Last place all I had was a tiny corner of the stairs where they made a 90* angle. Don't be suprised if one or two stay in the closet tho lol.:P
Here is what they looked like on March 20th:

And this is them on April 3rd:

Pretty big difference in only 15 days. Especially the habanero (smallest plant), it has like quadrupled in size.

I like coco coir :P
On the way to work the other day I noticed my mucho nacho put out the first flower of the year. 7 petals with dark cobalt blue stamen.

Seedlings are doing very well with the exception of one little bitty gold bullet hab. It's a runt.
That's the naga right in the middle in the round orange pot, red savina bottom center, beaver dam on the top & bottom right, pepperoncini center right, and that's a caribbean red hab top center.

The beaver dam peppers are getting transplanted tomorrow(well, i guess today since it's 2:28 am). They are huge. I think the pepperoncini is as well.

I also got some supersoil & transplanted the other hab into it in a big pot cause I wanted to try some soil plants too. It will be nice having things i only have to fertilize once every couple weeks.
I also got some supersoil & transplanted the other hab into it in a big pot cause I wanted to try some soil plants too. It will be nice having things i only have to fertilize once every couple weeks.

Your plants look great.

What's supersoil, though?
Looking good. I've never used Coconut Coir but it seems like a good renewable alternative to peat moss which is being severely overharvested here in Canada
Pam said:
Your plants look great.

What's supersoil, though?

I couldn't find promix anywhere but I found supersoil brand Palm & Cactus Mix. Ingredients: Aged & processed softwood bark and sawdust, sphagnum peat moss, pumice, sand & compost. "A rich soil that holds sufficient moisture but still drains well"

Sounds like a winner to me.

I also picked up some Vigoro Root Stimulator (2-5-2) for when I transplant(soil) and some Shultz Plant Food plus(10-15-10) for whenever I have to fertilize the soil again. I used the vigoro when I potted that hab.

Also, here's some better pics of my seedling setup. I used a milk crate type thing as a light holder. The holes in the sides make perfect stands for my little 2' T5 fluros. I also have some cfls clamped onto the top of it, but I don't run those all the time.

As you can see the box lets me adjust the lights individually according to plants needs. Plants are sorted in 3 rows shortest to tallest left to right.
imaguitargod said:
Oh god, supersoil. NEVER use supersoil. It's crap.

Well shit, googled it on my phone before buying it, and I saw ppl had recommended it for peppers. Only one plant in it so far, I guess it can be a test pepper.

Where do they sell promix? Obviously not home depot, lowes or wal-mart....at least not in Waco.
I got bored and decided to transplant today.

The seeds were planted in the peat plugs on Wednesday, March 14th. Look at how big this beaver dam is 1 month & 3 days from sowing.

Roots love coco coir. Check out the ones on the pepperoncini.
Finally all the new transplants on the porch. They're being hardened off this week, I'm gonna bring them in during the evening.

First three left to right: Habanero in soil, Caribbean Red, Dorset Naga
Tx - the plants are looking good, I know you'd wish they'd be giving you pods right now.
sorry about my ignorance but to me it looks like just plain old potting soil & some extra perlite vs hydro setup.
Nah, its coconut coir(I mixed some perlite in too, but its unnecessary). It is a hydro medium. It can be used as a soil amendment as well & is used in some soilless potting mixes to replace sphagnum peat moss, too.

I use Botanicare CocoGro

"CoirBlock is larger and expands to 2.5 cubic feet when soaked in water. This renewable resource is pH neutral and retains air and moisture well. You can use CoirBlock as a replacement for soil, add it to soil in gardens or containers or use it in hydroponic gardening." (from the texashydroponics website)

The fact that it retains water so well lends itself to being used in a hand-watering system. Most hydro mediums aren't practical to hand-water because of the poor water retention, like rockwool or say hydroton. If you use either of those two in a flood and drain system you would flood several times a day for a few minutes. If you replace them with coir, you can flood once every 48 hours. Or simply hand water til you get run-off once every 48 hours. Which is what i do.

You can read all about coir here:
Soon to be a tomato:

And I think this one is going to be a pepper but I'm not sure. It was the first flower on my mucho nacho (no other flower has even opened yet on any plant), and it opened up, chilled, then kinda browned on the edges and dropped. I'm not sure if it was pollinated or if it just dropped for other reasons. Opinions?

(Note, i'm talking about the lowest ball coming off the main stalk, the smooth one that looks different)
Txclosetgrower said:
All the new transplants hardening off on the porch:

Tomatoes grow fast :lol:

How do you make the pictures small like that? I kept trying to make the one I posted of the dogs smaller by adjusting the pixels, but it didn't seem to make much difference.
Pam said:
How do you make the pictures small like that? I kept trying to make the one I posted of the dogs smaller by adjusting the pixels, but it didn't seem to make much difference.

I use imageshack.us or putfile.com for all my image hosting. Those last ones are hosted by imageshack. The earlier pics in this thread are also on imageshack, but i resized them small enough so I could embed them instead of putting them as thumbnails, like the last pic.

I use irfanview (download this! best image viewer ever http://www.irfanview.com/) to initially resize the pics (camera takes HUGE pics). I usually resize them to 1280x960 which is about 100-200kb but is still at least full-screen size for most computers. (make sure you save them again after resizing) Then upload it to imageshack, and it gives you several options for links. Just choose the one that says "Thumbnail for forums (1)" and copy/paste the text to here.

1) register @ www.imageshack.us
2) download irfanview if you don't have anything to resize images
3) resize pics to reasonable size to make uploading easier
4) Copy paste the code you want, make sure you pick embedded or thumbnail depending on what you want.

If you have any trouble with any of that, just ask and I'll clear it up.

Ps: Imageshack has a toolbar for your browser that you can download. Makes the whole process easier, just click on a button that says upload, choose your file, it uploads it and redirects you to the page w/ the links. Comes in handy if you upload many pics.

Pps: Imageshack can be really slow at times. If it ever won't let you upload something, just wait a couple min and try again. Sometimes during peak hours it takes 3-5 tries.
Tomatoes grow REALLY fast:shocked: I originally had it in a smaller pot and that bigger green pot was just holding the cage, but I transplanted it into the bigger pot the other day. That was some feat too, the thing fell over as soon as I undid the cage and I thought it broke. It didn't, i forget its a vine and not a wood stem, so after some wrangling this thing around I finally got it moved and propped back up on its cage. The root structure was like a giant white hairy mass inside that 12" pot I moved it from.

If you look back at my post from April 18th, the tomato plant barely comes past the bottom line on my door, now it's above the 3rd one. That is two weeks and 2 days worth of growth...

Just look at how big this string of flowers is, and it still has lots of little buds to unroll at its tips. That's a 10 1/2" by 8" piece of paper.
well today I went to the farmers market, I wasnt expecting many vendors there since its opener(1st weekend) but ;) normally the 2nd weekend is better to go to.
well I walked around looking whos got what, I bought some chile plants & herbs. so heres my grow list for now.

farmers market
2 - naga jolokia (I think the name is mixed up, but anyways whatever you call it, its HOT!! :lol: )
2 - jamaican hot chocolate
2 - hot paper lantern
4 - scotch bonnet
4 - cayenne long slim
2 - lemon grass (herb)
2 - peppermint (herb)

on order from CCN, but things can change because what they send me because of some unseen reasons.
2 - aji dulce 1
1 - bhut jolokia
2 - fatalii
2 - neon yellow hab
2 - jamaican gold
3 - limon
3 - pa 353 red
1 - salsa delight
2 - trinidad perfume

growing from seeds, the numbers dont look good :lol: a couple of each look worthy of keeping - orange hab's & serrano's - I'd say 4 of each that look good but you never know the others might pull through once brought outside ?