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2009 Pods On Thread


Mammoth Jalapeno

Szentesi Czereszynye Paprika
Feel free to join this thread with pics when you go "pods on"
Hmmm....onions in the same pot as a pepper....probably not a good idea. Get ready for the clash of the roots and the pepper plant's gunna get damaged when you harvest the onions.
imaguitargod said:
Hmmm....onions in the same pot as a pepper....probably not a good idea. Get ready for the clash of the roots and the pepper plant's gunna get damaged when you harvest the onions.

Pretty sure that's garlic(2nd picture anyway, 1st one looks different and is probably onion). In which case you scoville f'ing rule because I do that same thing. I LOVE green garlic (the leaves). Use it on everything, especially chopped up on eggs or potatoes.

You should do it too IGG, any time you got free space in a pot, just poke an old garlic clove in there. Not going to take up hardly any root space, provides you with green garlic, and i believe garlic helps keep some bugs away.
Txclosetgrower said:
Pretty sure that's garlic(2nd picture anyway, 1st one looks different and is probably onion). In which case you scoville f'ing rule because I do that same thing. I LOVE green garlic (the leaves). Use it on everything, especially chopped up on eggs or potatoes.

You should do it too IGG, any time you got free space in a pot, just poke an old garlic clove in there. Not going to take up hardly any root space, provides you with green garlic, and i believe garlic helps keep some bugs away.

Oh it'll tangle, anything under the very top of the soil could be full of roots. I know all my plants do that.
Its a Paprika,Its a b**ch to spell the names under the pic.
Onions,Garlic,Chives,Shallots keep the Root Knot Neematoads out.They will kill a plant.The onions keep excessive moisture down in the pot durring colder times of the year.We have Neematoads bad here soil is basically sand.They can come up thru the bottom of the pot.I try not to use to many pestcides on my lawn now.
I like fresh green onions and such.I don't have to buy them now.They will be gone soon,its just a spring thing.They are pretty mich plug and play,easy to move to a new pot etc.
Very nice. It pays to live as far south as possible. ;) I figure you'll be snacking on those any day now.

scoville said:
Feel free to join this thread with pics when you go "pods on"

My overwinters have some pods but they're small unpollinted ones that have no seed, so those don't count. And we ate some last night. I do have a tiny starter pod on one of this season's jalapenos but the wax are first out of the gate.

There are 2 "pods on" this one:


nice Scoville...

Carol...I have grown a lot of different peppers but the wax peppers are consumed almost as quickly as they grow...I love them...
AlabamaJack said:
Carol...I have grown a lot of different peppers but the wax peppers are consumed almost as quickly as they grow...I love them...

I'm prepared for the neighbors this year. They get a couple of large plants for their garden to start with, then some smaller ones if they kill those off, then some of my extra peppers when they start falling off the vine. ;)
I'm still waiting for my replant of black wax to sprout. I'm told they are exceptionally tasty. Those and wenks yellow are the only varieties that haven't come up at all yet.
McGoo said:
Will the onions flavour the chilies?

Only if you do a stir fry with them!Our onions are very mild here.I do this every year it is never a problem with the peppers health.We have a year round growing season here except for chinense,anmd some years them.
klorentz said:
Hey Scoville,

What are the mammoth jalapenos like? I have never grown them before.


Pm me and i will set you up.I'm thinking Rainbowberry and I tied for 6th last year in the Jalapeno Challenge.I held the lead for a couple months.They are nice sized,good flava,heat.
Thanks for participating Carol!Love the waxes,reminds me I left out my fav,Cubanelles.Great fried with some onions and cumin.I have 6 or 7 jalapenos now flowering,I'll be putting up some pickled,some grilled and some smoked.I wish I had gotten more Baltic area seeds earlier,they seemed to flourish in our cooler winter.Hopefully they can handle the heat of summer as I now have a collection of about 7 varieties.
Thanks AJ,I've noticed you are an avid onion grower.Can you get 10/15 sets?My father in law swears by them.He's in Corpus and drives to the farm every year and fills his trunk!
Anxiously awaiting Texas pods on pics!
scoville said:
Pm me and i will set you up.I'm thinking Rainbowberry and I tied for 6th last year in the Jalapeno Challenge.I held the lead for a couple months.They are nice sized,good flava,heat.

PM sent. Thanks for offering.
