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2011 charlesNYC's Grow Thread

So last year, I ended up growing six pepper plants in the fire escape and i'm still reaping the rewards into december/january. i haven't bought a single pepper since my plants started producing, but then came december and the cold slaughtered them all. guess i should be thankful for the fact that it took that long for frost to kill my plants while living in a place as cold as new york.

so this year, i'm planning on starting seeds mid to late january. i'm somewhat inexperienced when it comes to germination, so i'm giving myself a bit of leg-room. and on top of that, if i end up with too many plants, i have two sunny windows on which to set them.

so right now i'm waiting on a fluorescent fixture and a heating mat i ordered from amazon.com. pictures will come after that.

the plan is to move into a new place on may 1st and begin transplanting that same day. most of the peppers will go into containers, but it all really depends on how big of a yard i end up being able to get (it's not as hard as it sounds, in most areas of brooklyn (not downtown), first floor apartments are discounted so you end up not having to pay much of a premium for yard space).

so i hereby present you guys with a seed list. of all of it, 3 varieties are sure things i'll grow: fefferona (thank you jackie), 7 pot primo (thank you chris), naga morich (thank you cappy). everything else is up for debate. 15ish pepper plants is my goal. i'm opening up the floor for suggestions from the list. i've also overwintered 2 chocolate habanero plants and a single brain strain, so those will have their day in the sun if they make it through.

and so it begins:

hot peppers seeds // packed_for_date:
ring of fire cayenne (2010)
ring of fire cayenne (2011)
red fefferona (2009)
fefferona (2009)
habanero - red (2010)
habanero - orange (2011)
habanero - white (2010)
habanero - chocolate (2010)
fatali (2011)
bhut jolokia (2011)
lemon drop (2011)
naga morich (2011)
trinidad scorpion - yellow (2011)
cowhorn pepper (2010)
pimply pod - unknown (2011)
lantern-like - unknown (2011)
jamaican hot - unknown (2011)
7 pot - primo (2011)
7 pot - brain strain (2010)
7 pot - white hybrid (2010)

edit: suggestions on the tomato front are also welcomed. 10 plants or so is my goal there:

husky cherry red (2010)
black cherry (2011)
cherokee green (2011)
striped cavern (2011)
japanese black triefele (2011)
bolseno (f1) (2011)
new big dwarf (2010)
early wonder (2010)
grushkova (2010)
And so it begins:

my (mostly) final list for the superhots:

4x naga morich // PRF
4x habanero - red // burpee
4x 7 pot - white hybrid // JR
4x habanero - white // unknown
4x 7 pot - primo // chris

also have two chocolate habaneros and a brain strain being overwintered right now.


Alright NYC! Feels pretty good to get your fingers in the dirt doesn't it! Best of luck to you and I hope the move in May goes smooth for you and you end up with a lot of yard to fill up with peppers. You're obviously off to a great start! :)
hah, no new digs yet, but thanks for the wishes :-D

anticipation makes it so so hard for me not to sow my annums, when i know that if i stunt them, i can easily lose a month of growing.

pretty sure i finalized that grow list though:
- sweet banana peppers. (need something sweet and light colored to use as filler in white hot sauces).
- fefferona

- bolseno
- cherokee green
- japanese black trifele
- a late sow of new big dwarf and grushkova in april (superbly early varieties) depending on the size of the yard i'm able to secure.
Good Luck NYC! I like the Japanese trifele but the Red husky will always have a place in my garden. I cant wait to see the white 7s. I have a hot tooth for the light colored chilis!!

Happy growing :)
i'll post pics tomorrow most surely.
germination is proceeding slowly, but that's no surprise. new york hates peppers. last time it took 21 days to get ring of fires to pop, but then again, i wasn't using a heating mat that time.

anyways, one red habanero popped it's head a week ago.
a white habanero just showed up this evening.
everything else has yet to come up.
as much as people may give crap to burpee over being partially owned by montsanto or their focus on hybrids, their seed quality rarely if ever disappoints (red habs come from burpee, a discounted pack i got for $1.50 last october at kmart)