• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 Hungarian Pumpkin GLOG by Jalabenjo

A big that you to stoney's_ghost for sending me the seeds for these peppers free of charge! I'm grateful, and exited to see how they grow.
All I have for today is a picture of one of my two sprouts. This is my first time doing a glog so I don't know if I should have waited longer and stockpiled some images, but what the heck, who cares. 
Oooooooo pretttty :lol:! My Halide was already off when I decided to take the picture so I had to use a flashlight, but it turned out alright anyway. I'll probably do another update when it's got 6 leaves or if something interesting happens like a genetic mutation that causes it to grow eyes and stare at my toenails or something  :high: .



Not very much growth, to be honest I'm quite disappointed. I believe my problem was my bulb hanging too low over my plants. I've raised the light up to about 6 feet over the plants, and reduced the power to 50% (600 watt bulb) to give the seedlings some time to recover. The pictures in this post were taken under my t8s which are a little whiter than the halide. The soil I'm using is a 1:1:1 mix of peat, coco, and perlite if I recall correctly. I'll post again when the plants start recovering, or if I need some help.
Alright time for an update wooooo hooooo! I think from now on this is just a plain old GLOG not a species specific one.
Part 1 (Growbox)
So I decided to build myself a growbox for starting seeds because the setup I've got in my basement is too cold. 

 Basically it's just a three level shelf with 1/2 inch insulation zip tied to it, but it does the job. (The thermometer it the top pic is ~3 degrees low)
Part 2 (Basement Plant Dungeon)

Basement setup with 600w metal halide and 70w HPS. No peppers but some pretty tropicals. Also, is that pineapple staring at my toes? He's been caged down there so long that I'm starting to suspect he's plotting something  :high: .
Part 3 (Hungarian Pumpkin) 
Little bit of growth, still really small for a month and a half old plant but things are looking up! I suspect the soil was to blame as I've never grown with coco before.
That's about all for this week, so long folks.
UPDATE TIME!  :party:
I'll start with the peppers which have finally started growing. The top two are the Hungarian Pumpkins, and the bottom one is my whole grow.



As you can see the grow room has really been filled out. I may have started things a little too early, but the warm spring had me exited. Hardening all of these guys of is gonna be real fun.

Not much to report in text for, the pictures pretty much say everything. I'll post another update when it warms up enough to start hardening off in my greenhouse.