• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
Did a pod swap with joefish last week, and have to ssy pics dont do his peppers any justice! You've got some killer looking pods for sure! The bbg7 is delicious, and you're peach bhuts and Jay's red ghost scorpions are downright wicked looking!

1 of every variety that was in the box
Still crankin' em out!
I love it!
Great grow this year!
And that JD mower, I got 20 years on my first one, and am on year 14 with it. They are serviceable and will last a long time if you take care of them.
I currently have a LX277AWS with a 48" deck (big place). It ain't pretty anymore but cuts great ;)
Devv said:
Still crankin' em out!
I love it!
Great grow this year!
And that JD mower, I got 20 years on my first one, and am on year 14 with it. They are serviceable and will last a long time if you take care of them.
I currently have a LX277AWS with a 48" deck (big place). It ain't pretty anymore but cuts great ;)
The plants are still trucking and I have tons and tons of dried pods.  I have pulled plants and left just the ones I don't feel I have enough of.  The BG7P is so big I can get evening shade.
Next Deere I get will be a big boy maybe X500 series. 

It's great to see you finally reap the rewards for all your efforts.  I may have missed it, but which dehydrator did you wind up getting?
Glad to see your beans are up and growing.  Hope they have time to make.  The ones I planted got eaten as soon as they came out the ground.  The deer no longer lives full time in and around my garden; I guess she found someone else's garden to raid.  I trapped and relocated the woodchuck.  Now I appear to have a family of voles hanging out... and they do love beans.  Though it could have been grasshoppers, too. I've found several like the one you picture.  I've also found if you stand with the sun to your back, but still shining on the hopper, a lot of times you can just reach down and grab them by the back.  And then dispatch them however you wish.  They make great catfish and bass bait, if you have the time.
I ended up with a 350watt dehydrator from Academy Sports I can remember the name now.... It was $30 and has been working very good.

That shows how much I know...

I thought grasshoppers were good guys. Stink bugs are on my shit list right now though. I hate them things.
Pick off every adult you see.  Monitor your plants closely and smash the eggs and/or recently-hatched nymphs.  I slacked off on them and they wound up killing all my squash vines.  Then migrated over and killed my late-planted short-season squash and cucumber as soon as they came up. 