2016 Will Be The Most Interesting......

First, I would like to apologize that I had not been here as much as I had said I would like to this year, and I truly miss spending a lot of time this forum and the people on it. Life has just gotten busy. Anyways, now on a much brighter side, the topic above...
So this year, I had decided to scale back a lot due to things now going on, but rest assured, I still have approximately 30 plants this year. I, this year, just like the last, had made a list of my grow, by numbering the starting containers. So, I make a Word document of the containers and what is in what container. All 36 of them. Fast forward to today. I go to grab my list, but cannot find it. No big deal. I come to my computer and print one out. Not found. WTF? I pulled a stupid move. No saving said document! So now I will have like a guess the pod this year. Should make for some interesting eats later. There are a few I should be able to get close on guessing, but I am mainly mad as I had a couple that were hard to get seeds for me, and am now not sure if they were the ones that survived.
So, go ahead and start laughing at me, I am! :rolleyes:

It looks like I MAY have a save in my misfortune. Luckily, I posted back in January I believe it was. I posted a grow list of the varieties I attempted to start this year. After reading my post I may have actually put them down in order, just that I did not number them here anyways. I guess now only time will tell. One way or the other I will not tell the better half. I'll let her guess, that is only after I tell her all the yellow ones are kinda sweet and the brown ones are sweet.
Have you checked your unsaved documents folder? Open Word, go to Open, then scroll to the bottom and click unsaved documents. might get lucky