2017 Grow List - do I have the plant heights right?

Hello All,
I'm a new member who has primarily grown cayenne pepper varieties in the past.  I'm in zone 6b near Philadelphia PA.  I'm going to try to grow some pepper varieties in 2017 (in raised beds and containers) that will be new to me, and I thought I'd share the list and ask the community for some general advice.
I have obtained seeds for all the varieties on the list below, and I plan to start the seeds in mid-February.
Please let me know if you see any major discrepancies in the plant heights, days to maturity or species that I have listed below.
Would you suggest I organize my chili pepper garden by plant height, or species or in some other manner? 
Also, which of the varieties listed would be best suited for containers?  I plan to use 15 gallon nursery pots for my container gardening.
And, please let me know if you have any other pepper gardening advice for me in general, or specifically pertaining to the peppers on my list.
Fyi, I've tried to list the peppers by species and then by shortest to tallest plant...to the best of my knowledge (and googling efforts).
Thank you!
2017 anticipated Grow List:
C. annuum
ALEPPO:  12 to 18 inches tall; 80 days.
BEAVER DAM:  12 to 18 inches tall; 80 days.
GIANT THAI:  12 to 18 inches tall; 85 to 90 days.
JALAPENO NUMEX VAQUERO:  12 to 18 inches tall; 90 days.
HOT PORTUGAL:  18 to 24 inches tall; 70 to 80 days.
LARGE THICK CAYENNE:  24 to 30 inches tall; 75 days.
MAULE’S RED HOT:  24 to 30 inches tall; 80 days.
SHISHITO:  24 to 30 inches tall; 60 days
IBERIA HYBRID:  24 to 30 inches tall; 60 to 70 days.
JALAPENO NUMEX JALMUNDO:  30 to 36 inches tall; 70 days.
SPORT:  30 to 36 inches tall; 75 days.
YALOVA CHARLESTON:  30 to 36 inches tall; 75-80 days.
SERRANO TAMPEQUINO:  36 to 48 inches tall; 75-85 days.
THUNDER MOUNTAIN LONGHORN:  36 to 48 inches tall; 85 to 90 days.
WENK’S YELLOW HOTS:  36 to 48 inches tall; 85 days.
C. baccatum
AJI HABANERO:  18 to 24 inches tall; 70 to 80 days.
AJI RED:  18 to 24 inches tall; 85 to 90 days.
AJI PINEAPPLE:  30 to 36 inches tall; 100 days.
CRIOLLA SELLA:  30 to 36 inches tall; 85 to 90 days.
UBA TUBA:  36 to 48 inches tall; 90 to 100 days.
C. chinense
AJI JOBITO:  24 to 30 inches tall; 90 days; C. chinense
AJI MARGARITENO:  24 to 30 inches tall; 90 days; C. chinense
Thanks and best regards.
juanitos said:
your sizes are on the small side.
a plant in a 15 gallon pot will not be 12-18 inches tall... most plants should be around 3-6ft tall.
the specific varieties should not matter too much.
Agreed, growing conditions will have the most impact on plant growth than anything.
Sure, there's variance between assorted breeds and species.  For instance, baccatum tend (not always!) to be big, tall, and sprawling.
I think ALL the assorted peppers I've grown in ~6 gal wallybags have hit at least 30 inches.
Growing in 15 gal pots, I suspect that most of yours will be at the very least 4ft by the end of the year. (Fertilizer, weather, pests, etc. allowing...)
Yes, it makes sense that more grow room would result in a bigger plant...thanks to all who pointed that out.

Since my grow list for '17 doesn't include any super hots yet, maybe I should try a couple. Which few super hot varieties would the community recommend to a first time super hot grower?

Perhaps there is a super hot out there with great flavor that I might be able to blend with one of the other peppers on my '17 grow list to make a nice hot sauce...any suggestions?
bigflies said:
Yes, it makes sense that more grow room would result in a bigger plant...thanks to all who pointed that out.

Since my grow list for '17 doesn't include any super hots yet, maybe I should try a couple. Which few super hot varieties would the community recommend to a first time super hot grower?

Perhaps there is a super hot out there with great flavor that I might be able to blend with one of the other peppers on my '17 grow list to make a nice hot sauce...any suggestions?
grow you a yellow 7 pod , maybe a  peach Bhut ,       :party:
G - thanks for the Fatalii recommendation. I'm intrigued by the White Fatalii and I could see making some pineapple mango hot sauce with it. Might try to grow the White Fatalli this year.

MW - I just watched Nigel Carter's review on the 7 Pot in which he said he almost passed out after eating it. I think I'm too wimpy to try super hots like the 7 Pots and the Bhuts. I found your grow log from last year and was super impressed...you had beautiful plants and pods. The super hot pods are definitely very cool looking. Looks like you had an abundance of super hots. Can I ask how you used most of your super hots? Based on Nigel's review, I couldn't see myself using more than one super hot pod all season, but again I'm pretty intimidated by the super hots. Do you use most of the super hot pods you grow? Do you eat them raw?
Great list.....try a chocolate. I don't like it raw but the choc Moruga as a powder has become my put on everything shaker. A little dusting is all it takes.

I am going with 4 chocolates this yr :cheers: