• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2021 GLOG

Well I figured it's time to start one of these. Like all good grow logs a good year starts with a clean table and lots of room to work before it falls into the usual mess of dirt and cups.

You can follow our grow here or for a 'to the minute' updates on instagram http://instagram.com/pepper.merchant

Here's to the other growers and to all the plants people ordered!
PaulG said:
Hey, PM, how's the rooting experiment going?
Im not really sure this being my first time attempting this, I just cyled the water for the first time this week. I feel the rooting gel washed off over the week and 1/2 the water was in there as it had a colour.
Now the fresh water is clear, any need to add nutrients to it?
I feel like I can see roots starting but its hard to tell, I attached some photos for your opinion.


Cuttings has not gone very well. I have one that is showing massive root development and it was placed under the aerogarden and has no protection from light on the sides either. Of course this was one I did not put a tag on so I have no idea what it is. I also cant recall if this was one with rooting hormone or not on it. I can say this was the shortest stock to leaf one I did and that may somehow contribute to that.
Still not dead, but still not living.

Finally some action in the smallest container.


In other updates I picked up a SF600 for a not too bad price. I like it despite it being weaker than the Sansi 70w lights I get more of a lighted area. May 'invest' in a second and do shelving next next year.

Outdoor Update!
Its been a while but we have been busy outside working.
We had nothing but old overgrown farm rows out back but now have it flattened so we can move into covered row planting for 2021-2022.
We have placed row covers down and landscape fabric for a path as well as installed the cold frame. Its still too chilly in the frame at night (4c) for us to keep the plants out but I am seeing highs of 35c with it all closed up on occasion so thats good. Maybe in the next 15 days or so. I would like to get the plants and the fungus gnats out of the house. 
See below for a few photos. We used 7ft deer fence to prevent plant loss like we suffered really bad last year.


We are in lockdown for 31 days right now and getting supplies has been difficult, still waiting on landscape pins to keep all this down so we can lose the rocks / wood.
ahayastani said:
Looks like quite the investment. Are you legally allowed to hunt or trap deer, or are they protected by law?
Yes with a tag/lottery stystem. There are so many here that even after hunting season they wreck everything. 
Nice to look at, but my honeymoon phase with them is over lol.
You are making great progress, PM.
I made a lot of my own landscape fabric
pins out of wire coat hangers. The commercial
ones are stupid expensive, and way overkill
gauge-wise. I could get three or four out of one
hangar depending on how loose the soil was.
Can't wait to see the finished project!
We found some for 5$/25 staples and I don't own any metal hangers somehow, but great suggestions! I wanted to do in ground plants this year but the budget is spent so we will just enjoy the nice flat surface and buy a rototiller next year.
Been a while since I updated things have been busy here.
-Added more polls for supporting the fence line
-Monitored the interior temp of cold frame
-Cold frame blew away
-Reassembled cold frame
-Filled pots with soil for plant out this Thursday

Thats right we are going to pot up and plant out in the coldframe this thursday, its early by about 6d but without fearing frost in there I think we will be ok.
I probably could have done this sooner but its been a zoo here. 
We are still waiting on a number of fabric pots from Amazon and Ali but neither have shown up yet. 
Looks like your grow is ready to take off, PM.
nice and tidy set-up you are creating. The Geotek
fabric looks way cool.Sorry tohear the cold frame
had to be reassembled.
Of all weather, I dislike the wind the most!
PaulG said:
Looks like your grow is ready to take off, PM.
nice and tidy set-up you are creating. The Geotek
fabric looks way cool.Sorry tohear the cold frame
had to be reassembled.
Of all weather, I dislike the wind the most!
Yes its been a season of learning (again who would have known) but I have been trying to be more involved in groups such as this. Lots of people to bounce ideas off of and see what everyone has going on. Cheers hope all is well on your end. 
Glad to see the site is back! Hope all of you are doing well!

We have been growing non-stop here and are just at the stage where each plant is starting to get some ripe fruit on it.

Attached is a photo showing a new area we have expanded for 2022's grow.


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Been a while since I updated. Likely my last 2021 entry as we are coming up to frost in a few weeks. Here are a few pods we pulled. Hopefully we will have a number of these up in the shop in the coming weeks.

We "invested" in a rototiller using the money that came in from buyers for a new plot next year, very excited to share it with you soon.


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Been a while since I updated. Likely my last 2021 entry as we are coming up to frost in a few weeks. Here are a few pods we pulled. Hopefully we will have a number of these up in the shop in the coming weeks.

We "invested" in a rototiller using the money that came in from buyers for a new plot next year, very excited to share it with you soon.
Glad to see you had a successful grow P you produced some great varietys that many will be able to enjoy,will look forward to your 2022 glog.🙂
Way to pull off a northern grow, @PepperMerchant! :clap:

I liked your aerial pic of the grow zone. What a great
set-up. Will you grow on both areas next season? If
so, I predict an increase in the number of plants in
your grow in 2022 :D
Yes both zones will be used for peppers. We have already tilled the right zone. If my wife asks "probably for potatoes and veggies" if THP asks it's for peppers.

I can't imagine going much bigger but we will take it a year at a time.