video 2nd video update

   Thanks guys. I use a mix of Alaska brand fish fertilizer and Miracle Grow all purpose plant food. I usually alternate between the two. I feed them about once every 10 days.
   Most of my plants are in a 5-1-1 mix. It's 5 parts pine bark fines, 1 part peat moss, and 1 part perlite. I also add some dolomitic lime, bone meal, blood meal, and osmocote fertilizer.
Where do you find pine fines all I can find is evergreen soil conditioner and Al said that's ok but I'd like something better.
how much bone and blood meal do you add per cubic ft of mix?
    I found pine bark mulch at Wal Mart, Lowes, and a local hardware store. It involves a lot of separating the sap wood from the bark. I add a tablespoon of each to a 5 gallon pot. I've never done the math, that's just how I measure it.