3 1⁄2-inch Aji Limon

This is my first year growing these, I thought they'd grow smaller... how big do they get for you?

Those look great, so far none of mine have turned color mine are in the 2-2 1/2" range but my plants are absolutely freakin loaded. Wish the other pepprs had as many pods.
Very nice Charles! I'm not growing Limon this year, but I did have 12 plants in the ground last year, in full sun, under very hot conditions. The pod set was quite heavy all season, as you and Hotpapa mentioned. My Limon pods, however, did not grow large until the weather cooled off in the fall. The below photo was taken on November 4, 2011. If the pod is the same length as the distance from the tip of my index finger to the first (or is it third?) knuckle, then it too was right at 3.5" long:

Thems some big 'uns. The size of my Aji Limons vary... but, taking a guess, I would say usually within the 2-3" range.

My Russian Yellows (slightly different) on the otherhand....


Usually within the 3-4" range.

I have found Aji Limon to be more productive though. They really do just keep pumpin' 'em out, don't they??
These are Russian Yellows? They seem to have that same lopsided thing going on like mine in the first pic...

They do put out a ton of pods...
Very similar to Aji Lemon except larger pods, and while still citrusy, the taste made me think more of passionfruits than lemons.

Another similar variety I believe is the Aji Pineapple (said to taste like pineapple). I would like to give them a go at some stage too!
I dont think the pods which oyou take the seeds form will matter with size sine they are not showing the characteristics of the seeds inside, but rather of the plant they are on.. However, those are awesome pods you have there.. Are thesegood tasting? I havebeen meanint to get some to try.. If you have any seeds or pods for sale or trade please pm me. Id be interested.. also what si the shu on these?