3 pepper grow log

:welcome:  from NW Wyoming. Posting pics is easy. First off, you will need to upload your pics to a hosting site such as photobucket.com. From there you copy "direct link". Then hite the little green square above the post box that looks like a little tiny, picture. Paste the copied URL into the box that pops up. Hit OK or Enter, whatever it says. Then hit the "Post" button. You're done!
TrueNorthReptiles said:
:welcome:  from NW Wyoming. Posting pics is easy. First off, you will need to upload your pics to a hosting site such as photobucket.com. From there you copy "direct link". Then hite the little green square above the post box that looks like a little tiny, picture. Paste the copied URL into the box that pops up. Hit OK or Enter, whatever it says. Then hit the "Post" button. You're done!
Or you can copy the code on photobucket and paste it directly into the topic like 
Note: The location of the img code may be in a different location for a default account. I have mine customized to be at the bottom of the list. 
upload then

When you type it in will look like this

Thanks for the welcoming! You guys are real nice. I'm starting late in the season (really late) but will be growing indoor/outdoor/indoor. I have grow lights and heat for the plants so hopefully this will be successful
Everybody is definitely nice here.  I just joined a couple months ago and members are really helpful and will try to help you out if you can.  Have you grown before?  This is my first year and I've gotten pretty addicted.
CubanHavanero said:
I've grown different plants here and there. I have also grown mushrooms successfully and am in the process of doing shiitake
Love shiitake, they taste really good grilled up and on a burger.  I've been busy absorbing what I need to grow peppers, but I'm sure I'll branch out next year.  In your experience, what skill level does it take to grow mushrooms?