7 Pot Primo - $10.00 / SFRB shipping included

7 Pot Primo slamming in faster than they are going out.  Some are not the perfect pod appearance, but at $10.00 a small flat rate box I think it is more than worth it while I sort my dna with seed saving.  Please visit the online store.  Questions via PM are fine but I cant take orders that way without getting all mixed up.  Horrible memory.

When sales catch up with production, they will no longer be listed in the following section of our online store.

7 Pot Primo - $10.00 / SFRB - Shipping included - Click Here

Moruga, thank you.

La 2 the Bay, I am sorry I do not understand the question.  At the bottom of the post is a link to the sale in my online store.  Not sure what you mean by 'this'.  THP forum?  Not me at all.  I am fairly sure THP is a one man operation (not me) with a collective of folk who participate, set the tone, and yes make a few bucks in the classified adverts.  I am just one of the many.
D3monic, thanks.  Sometimes I don't get what a person is asking at all.  Oddly, I seem to understand goats, ducks, chicken, and turtle.
I was just there fetching order to pick and pack in the am.  So it is up now.  Every now and then the server hiccups.
Question about your seed saving program, have you isolated your pods? I only wonder if you're saving them for yourself for future grows, because you seem to have a lot of different species so would probably have a lot of crosses. Not meant to be discouraging or negative I was just curious as it was a thought I asked myself when looking at your site. It looks good though youre putting in alot of hours.
Student of Spice - I grow seed stock in isolation.  I use simple two by four frames.  In the spring, they have plastic over them to form mini green houses and give me a jump on the season.  As it gets warm, I replace with bridal cloth.  In the fall, I put plastic over them again to extend the season.  Thing is, you gotta start somewhere.  Some of my primo are now picture perfect, some still have some ugly dna left over from when I first bought them.  I think you get some ugly dna from where ever you buy seeds.   I figure put the uglies up at $10.00 a box so people can enjoy them rather than let them go to waste.

Slimbob, that is a name server error.  Because every network uses its own name servers, I can not imagine it would work for one person and not the next if the problem were at my dna.  The information trickles down to the other name servers, but I havent made any changes in much time so I do not think that is the problem.  Gonna say something hiccuped in what ever name server your network uses and it is stuck in your browsers cache.  Try the link in my signature.

Its on its own IP, but if you used the IP the moment you clicked on anything the name would take over again.
That is a pretty clever idea, sounds easier than gluing individual flowers or using the bridal cloth over branches alone, have you found that the pollination rate is different?
Student of Spice said:
That is a pretty clever idea, sounds easier than gluing individual flowers or using the bridal cloth over branches alone, have you found that the pollination rate is different?
I do -think- I have fewer pods under bridal cloth.  I know for sure that under plastic it is really low.  I do not know if it is like apple trees where cross pollination promotes more fruit or if it is the decrease in wind under bridal cloth and elimination of wind with plastic. 

Frankly, I am still trying to figure out the apple tree thing.  I could understand it if they just need other apple trees to pollinate but why on earth would they produce more fruit with different apple trees as pollinators?  Have asked at the places that sell trees, none could provide an answer that made sense to me.
On two by four frames being clever: Clever would have been using treated lumber and painting them.  Seriously, not clever at all.  Two by fours are my staple everything.
Awesome. I bookmarked your site sir, nice to know I can get fresh pods when I need and when in season from a reputable person.

Bakers ripped me off for $50 this year, no peppers, no refund since may. I know, I know guys.... but I really wanted some pods.
sevenstrngs, I am sorry you had ill experiences with Bakers Peppers. At the risk of getting blasted for defending him, I think sometimes people assume scam / rip off when what really happened was someone unintentionally goofed up or something broke down.  Obviously, I could be wildly incorrect, but I have seen photos of his farm.  It is huge compared to mine.  I can not imagine someone growing a business that large if scamming people was part of the business plan.

By PM, please send to me a list of what you were promised.  First frost is coming, might have extra.  Dont like to waste.
I'm not trying to bash on bakers or start a bakers bashing thread going here so please no one start one here in Drew's thread.

I just wanted to post that it's nice to have another source and your feed back is great!
Nah, no need sir. I would feel bad taking handouts since that is money for you. Greatly appreciate the offer :-)