7-Pot Rennie Red Pod Review

I reviewed one of my 7-Pot Rennie Chocolates that turned out red.
So, the aftermath was terrible. I don't know that it was entirely caused by the pepper, but here's the chronology.
1. Ate a pbj with my ultra mega hot jelly beforehand.
2. Did the pepper review, everything went fine.
3. Stomach didn't really hurt, 45min to hour.
4. Ate some candy corn and peanuts.
5. Stomach pain started.
6. Drank milk.
7. Stomach pain got drastically worse.
8. Tried some baking soda in water, didn't help.
9. Ran to bathroom, threw up.
10. Pain got worse, also some splashed back in my eye which hurt.
11. Some of the most intense pain I've ever experienced, nothing would help it.
12. I stripped down, and ran outside to the porch where it was cooler, clinging on to the rail, begging for it to stop. It was unreal.
Not long after that it subsided. I think maybe next time, I'll only drink water for a while after, and eat something that's non-hot beforehand.
Wow, reading that aftermath summary had me cringing! Glad your OK!  :P
I HATE with the strongest detest I can muster 'any and everything' with these peppers that has to do with the gut/pain/cramps/gas (and anything else that might come after! - God forbid..) It's always when I get any initial cramping that I always question what I have done, or simply why am I even doing this. One of those Devil's Hearts had me rebuking myself!- no more fresh pods....this is beyond stupid....only in cooked dishes, sauces or powders from now on! These peppers are not made for direct consumption!! (I never get/have had true cramps though- always gas...a burp or 3 always brings instant relief, but before that it's pure agony. It's the whole bundle of weird face contortion while writhing around making odd noises, breaking out in cold sweats, just feeling instantly sick & WRETCHED!, etc..)
For all the' hiccups' people- wanna' trade for Cap. cramps!??? I have NEVER gotten hiccups, but seem to get the cramps so easily- hate it! I'll accept any of the other worsts (throat burn, hot poker down the ear canals, even Hunan scrotum...lol... just leave the guts alone!!)
Great review Peter, thanks for posting it. I'd still try one though! - even after knowing of your perils. We are crazy I think!  :crazy:
No more whole pods for me that are superhots just pieces of them . No point in torturing oneself eating them whole only to suffer excruciating pain in the mouth, throat and stomach with the aftermath and side effects from these small demonic fruits :)
mpicante said:
Good job on this review.Seems like a you have a bit of good luck with having the RED and BROWN RENNIE7
Yes, it was definitely a bonus :)
juanitos said:
hey good to see you back, thought u might give up after the last pod review month ago lol
Thanks Jonathan. Yeah, can't say I wasn't a little gun shy after eating that Mustard Moruga :) It kicked my ass big time.
Alchymystic said:
Wow, reading that aftermath summary had me cringing! Glad your OK!  :P
I HATE with the strongest detest I can muster 'any and everything' with these peppers that has to do with the gut/pain/cramps/gas (and anything else that might come after! - God forbid..) It's always when I get any initial cramping that I always question what I have done, or simply why am I even doing this. One of those Devil's Hearts had me rebuking myself!- no more fresh pods....this is beyond stupid....only in cooked dishes, sauces or powders from now on! These peppers are not made for direct consumption!! (I never get/have had true cramps though- always gas...a burp or 3 always brings instant relief, but before that it's pure agony. It's the whole bundle of weird face contortion while writhing around making odd noises, breaking out in cold sweats, just feeling instantly sick & WRETCHED!, etc..)
For all the' hiccups' people- wanna' trade for Cap. cramps!??? I have NEVER gotten hiccups, but seem to get the cramps so easily- hate it! I'll accept any of the other worsts (throat burn, hot poker down the ear canals, even Hunan scrotum...lol... just leave the guts alone!!)
Great review Peter, thanks for posting it. I'd still try one though! - even after knowing of your perils. We are crazy I think!  :crazy:
Thanks Joel! Yeah, the gut pain was beyond bad. I'm wondering if maybe I sabotaged myself eating the pbj with the strawberry death jam on it beforehand. That has a high concentration of peppers notorious for cap cramps.  So I had that in my GI tract a little farther down from the Rennie pod. Maybe they both hit me at once? I don't know, it was awful. I'm sure I'll eat another fresh pod in the near future and expect different results though.  ;)
moruga welder said:
man you weren't lying about the heat , i believe i seen you turn a shade of red .  Great review my friend !     :onfire:
Thanks! It's really a great pepper. I need to process the pile of them on my counter soon.