7pot/pod primo and sr strain

Nice Pics Chris,

How hot were the yellow 7's from THSC? I currently have a few pods on my plant.

THSC's Yellow7s are pretty damn hot FTB but, although not that far off, they're not in the same league as the other super hotties I grew...(TS, Bih, Dorset, Jonah). This is a good thing because they taste great and can actually be eaten raw without making you wish you hadn't (like the Jonah did...that MF is pain in a pod). They don't cause you the intense pain the others do but they give you a real good burn and whenever I ate them my whole body seemed to heat up and I'd sweat all over. One whole pod chopped up on top of your meal should light you up pretty well. My first few pods were actually very mild however, so don't worry if the same happens with yours.... that will soon change. :hell:
Here's some other pics of the orange 7 Pod, that definately differs from Chris' strain.

Of other strains to be added, I'm growing "7 Pod CARDI" and "7 Pod Butch T" this year.



Butch T 7 pot, I never heard of that one. Do you know Butch's seed source, or do you have pics?

Sorry Potawie - I don't know the source. My plant is quite small and no pods yet, but pics will come when as the plant gets more interesting.

I've only heard of the Butch T Scorpion, but never the 7 pod, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Very nice Orange 7 Pod rrene, love the color and shape of those pods. The Guadeloupe Black and Morado are both producing pods, did you get the Brain Strain to grow in your garden this year? I have only seen the ButchT Scorpion but have heard of other ButchT varieties being passed about, there is also a ButchT Chocolate Naga that I have and will be grow next season.

There is a member here that I originally got 7 Pod seed from that became the Brain Strain, he also traded the first Douglah seeds that bentalpanerd grew. He doesn't get any credit for either of these two varieties but bowhunter originally obtained the seed from Sara R. in 2007 and traded with other members here. Without his link in the chain we might not know either of these two great strains. Thanks bowhunter!
Rrene, I'd love to trade you for those orange 7 pod seeds. :) I tried sending a PM, but THP said you're mailbox is full. Let me know.

Butch T's 7 Pod is the Jonah strain. he's grown it for many years...we all got it at about the same time from the original supplier.

i love those orange 7pods. those are nice. more variety, the better.

we'd love to have a review of some sort of the taste and stuff. =D
Thanks a lot for all your comments guys.

Franz: My tasting-notes for these are the same as for any other super-hot; "HOT!!!!" Not very informative I'm afraid, but when it comes to these super-hots, I just can't tell the difference, it's just the heat that comes to my mind... :mouthonfire:

PRF: I'm glad to hear that the dark chinenses are doing well. Both Brain Strain and the Yellow Scorpion are marching here. We had a terrible (well, non-existing) spring here in Scandinavia with frost until mid of May, but now summer is finally here, so I'm sure there will be a happy end to this season!! :cool:
