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A Little Porn....072808


Extreme Member
I know most of you have seen my orange habanero plant I cut back in December...I have already picked 178 ripe habs off it and that is not counting probably 20 or 30 I picked and ate as they were ripening....it is now loaded with more pods than the first time and the pods are growing by leaps and bounds each day...I would guess this time there will be somewhere around 250 for the second harvest of the season...I am amazed because this plant didn't produce more than 15 or 20 peppers all last year...and I will get at least 3 harvest off it this year....


These are the stems of two of my Naga Morich plants and one of my Red Savinas...the Naga Morich are about 5 1/2 feet tall now...the Red Savina is only about 3 feet tall but it is 4 feet in diameter....

Multiple stem Naga Morich...


Single stem Naga Morich...as you can see, it is over 3/4" in diameter...


Red Savina Stem...sorry for the blurry picture but it is a little over an inch in diameter...


4 more pics coming....
I could not get but a couple of bell peppers last year...so this year I planted 17 plants and now they are all loaded with peppers...I have red, yellow, orange, these dark colored ones and green ones...


Bih Jolokia...it seems I am late in getting fruit set on these but they are finally starting to produce pods...I have about 15 of these plants or so


Pasillo Bajio....I have 4 of these that are all laden with peppers...


and if anyone wants a plant that is a producer...the super chili is producing many many pods...I probably have already picked three hundred peppers off these three plants...

You never cease to amaze me AJ. That Orange Hab is really impressive. You get more from that one plant than I get from all of mine together. Thanks for the pictures.

Dang..you have more produce then most stores..lol

Pretty fine work AJ.
Makes think of the "I'm not worthy" line..LOL
As always - awesome! I'm starting to wonder what your secret(s) may be.... :)

I keep on telling myself that we're just a little behind over here due to the slightly different climate - puts my mind at ease!
I'm sure AJ would have more addresses than plants within a second if he'd say he doesn't know what to do with his harvest!!! :)
thanks all...

QuadShotz said:
Makes think of the "I'm not worthy" line..

Chiliac said:
As always - awesome! I'm starting to wonder what your secret(s) may be....

You have to remember, I learned how to grow here on THP thanks to the other members...

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
well he could make a fortune thats for sure :lol:

If you guys lived closer, I would gladly share...as far as selling the pods goes...I don't want the liability associated with selling food products...that's why I am going to sell seedlings...next spring will be testing the market here in the Dallas/Fort Worth and since I retire next summer (Aug 09), in 2010 I will be trying to sell lots and lots of seedlings...

Again, these plants are surviving and producing thanks to the many members here who have given me advice....
Good luck with that project!!! I've been thinking about doing the same next season, but I'm not sure where to start. Renting a stall on the market would not pay off I think, although hot food and chilis are very popular at the moment. I've been thinking about selling seedlings/small plants to stores or have them sell them, but seeing at what prices they sell (sweet) pepper plants, I'd have to grow thousands to actually make some money.
Chiliac said:
Good luck with that project!!! I've been thinking about doing the same next season, but I'm not sure where to start. Renting a stall on the market would not pay off I think, although hot food and chilis are very popular at the moment. I've been thinking about selling seedlings/small plants to stores or have them sell them, but seeing at what prices they sell (sweet) pepper plants, I'd have to grow thousands to actually make some money.

I have decided to only sell "exotic" varieties...they type you can not get at your local nursery/walmart/home depot type stores...that is why I am calling 2009 a test year...I figure with the population of the metroplex here at about 4 million if one hundredth of one percent of the population (about 400 will buy one or two plants, I can make enough to support my hobby...I am not really wanting/needing to make a lot of money, just enough to not have to spend a great deal on my hobby...figuring 3-4 dollars for a 6-8 week old plant and 5-6 dollars for a 10-12 week old plant I could make maybe a couple thousand a year...I already have the name of the business chosen...."AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots" ...just hope people don't get the idea this is a porn business.... :lol:

there is a place just west of here that has a huge outdoor sell...like a big garage sale...it's called first Monday and happens the weekend of the first monday of the month...so I know the time frame when I will need to plant and have the seedlings ready...the first one I go to, I will have probably 500 seedlings that are 6-8 weeks old, then I will plant more seedlings and the next month, the ones that did not sell the first time will be 10-12 weeks old and I will also add the 6-8 week old plants so I will have two different age seedlings...

Another way I thought about selling the seedlings was just peddle them like the old traveling salesmen...set my truck up with a 2 X 4 frame and enclosed with hinged plywood sheeting that opens outwards with shelves...then I could just drive around and set up on the roadside somewhere that it is legal...
I know I couldn't ask that much here, hence my doubts that it'll pay off. In addition this town and it's surroundings has only aroun 300.000 inhabitants.

Your plans sound solid to me though. As I said: Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed hoping you'll succeed!

Just as you said, I also don't plan to make a lot of money, I'd just love to make enough to finance my hobby.
Nice job AJ !! I like your idea's on selling them -- around here there are people who like it hot then there are the chosen few, like us, that really like it hot -- In CT we are Phantoms
brag brag ill get the tape measure out to :lol:..A.J was just thinking that my plants are looking quite big then i saw this post and they seem like a mouse next to an elephant..you've burst my bubble now Texas style :lol:..nice one A.J..What you using buffalo dung as compost???;)
talas said:
What you using buffalo dung as compost???;)

:lol: nope, no buffalo dung...I think it is just this extremely hot weather we are having that is making the plants grow...but I also think that this hot weather is hurting fruit set...there are thousands of flowers with a very small percentage of fruit set...

I was using a combination of Botanicare products before I planted out but after putting 300+ plants out, that got expensive...it was costing about 150 dollars a feeding....so I reverted to side dressing with a standard 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 pelletized fertilize and feeding weekly with a 10-10-10 liquid concentrate...now it only costs me about 20 bucks a week for feed...heck, the water costs more than the fertilize does...it is costing me about 60-80 dollars a month to water the plants...
AJ...what are you doing with all of your ripe super chilis?

I have a super chili plant that has lots of almost ripe pods and I'm not sure what to do with them, as I have never grown this variety before. Are you eating them...and if so, how are you preparing them?

Wow AJ what you feeding them babies??? They be growing and making peppers like crazy. It's just amazing to see your pics and dream lol. I'm so impatient.

KJAM said:
AJ...what are you doing with all of your ripe super chilis?

I have a super chili plant that has lots of almost ripe pods and I'm not sure what to do with them, as I have never grown this variety before. Are you eating them...and if so, how are you preparing them?


I am using some of them in salsa and pico di gallo but most of them are being dehydrated to make pepper powder...to me, they are along a cayenne heat, maybe a little hotter...I will probably mix a few with some of my tabascos when I make pepper sauce (boiling vinegar over the peppers). The red color of the chiles will look good with the orange and yellow tabascos...