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A Sauce You would Never Forget !!

Dear Hot Mouths and Burning Rings,

I am back from India with some very exotic spices unheard of and never used by western world.
I am preparing a sauce using Naga,Bhuts and Thai which would make you ask for more and more and more and more and MORE

So watch out guys for the most EXOTIC sauce ever to be prepared and NEVER to be forgotten.
I am going to name it .........????
Wait...lemme invite you guys to suggest a name.
The best one from US if I like it,will get a sample.
So get Hot.
So I've been playing off the ASSumption that Bhut is pronounced BOOT, like what a person wears on their feet. Or is it like butt, like..well...you know...butt.

Or I saw another spelling where it was bhot which I would pronounce "boat"
salsalady said:
So I've been playing off the ASSumption that Bhut is pronounced BOOT, like what a person wears on their feet. Or is it like butt, like..well...you know...butt.

Or I saw another spelling where it was bhot which I would pronounce "boat"

I've always said boot, but I could be wrong. ;)
WHEW! I was worried after the "burn my Bhut" post! I figured I'd have to post another (red face) "my bad" post for pronouncing it wrong.

OK~ back to the BHUT~
salsalady said:
WHEW! I was worried after the "burn my Bhut" post! I figured I'd have to post another (red face) "my bad" post for pronouncing it wrong.

OK~ back to the BHUT~
I'm drunk, so it's a drunk mis-pronunciation. So go ahead, Thai me up and......
ya gotta throw an "h" in the "boot"?

Sorry, NJA, I don't want to get too far off topic, but if I'm pronouncing it wrong, some of my name suggestions will not make sense.

salsalady said:
ya gotta throw an "h" in the "boot"?

Sorry, NJA, I don't want to get too far off topic, but if I'm pronouncing it wrong, some of my name suggestions will not make sense.


It is Bhut/Bhoot jolokia and not Boot Jolokia .
Bhoot/Bhut means Ghost.
now- do we want to get into how to pronounce "jolokia" or should we save that for another thread? :)
Jalapeno is the most common pepper and it's pronounced 10 different ways... hal-a, hall-a, peen-o, pain-yo, pain-o, peen-yo etc. I really don't think it matters.
Silver_Surfer said:
The h is silent, so I don't see what NJA was after?

You don't pronounce the h in ghost.

H is not silent. I know what it is called and how to pronounce Bhut/Bhoot.
It is just like my mother tongue.
So BHUT /BHOOT it is and not Boot.

H might be silent in GHOST and you may pronounce it as GOST.
But not so in BHUT/BHOOT.

so it has a soft "h" like --- "haphazard" --- or "loophole"-------- still looking for a comparable "--bh--" word

I'm seeing "abhor" and "sambhur"

and several more which I don't know what they are but are spelled-

LOL thinking about a tipsy Boss trying to vibrate lips to say - "bvoot"- sorry, just a little further out into left field~~~:lol:

Bartender, time for "a-nover" one!

Sorry, Boss, don't ban me!

OK, back on topic...........

NJA, do you have a winning name yet?