A "Teachable Moment..."

Been there, done that. Scratched my leg after handling superhots, and took a shower. Within 30 seconds of going into the shower, it felt like my entire leg was on fire. Lesson learned :)
Dear GOD!

Thanks, GrantMichaels - I'll file that away for use hopefully never.

I'm riding it out, but I will CERTAINLY be more mindful of what got used for what in the future. WickedMike mentioned this possibility the other day, and I chuckled.

I am NOT chuckling now. :lol:
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Just Bobbitt it ;)
Maybe "Jenner" it?

sirex said:
Yeah but once I break that lotion out... :)
Yeah, I was gonna just leave that alone. Still "taking the temperature" around here. Some forums are super-uptight. I'm thinking this one isn't.

Really enjoying my stay here so far!
Yeah we all try to have fun and joke accordingly, but of course like everywhere sometimes people's panties get in a bunch :)
Back on topic, you only need to learn that lesson once however most of us here including myself have certainly learned it more than once.
Do not use latex gloves, nitrile all the way 
I always seem to get powder or oil on my face as opposed to other parts of my body.

Funny thing is, sometimes that burn feels really good kind of like a "how much can I take' kind of thing. Other times I can't get it off my face fast enough !
I haven't done it big-wrong in a while now, but I irritate and get flushed on my right cheek ALL THE TIME when cooking from powders that have made their way to the back of my hand (which I tend to use to wipe my right cheek if I sweat cooking) ...
I guess my anatomy has all forehead sweat heading down the right side of my brow/nose or something, LOL ...
moruga welder said:
Been there before , never seem to learn tho ,!  One thing for sure ,never mess with it no matter how you go about it . if you plan on a date with mama later !      ;)
Oh boy, that could have long-lasting repercussions... lol
A variation on the classic story...
Last year I received a large bag of red bhut seeds from Pex.  So one evening I was putting seeds in to paper towels to pre-soak prior to planting.  Knowing that the oil on the seeds can be pretty noxious I used tweezers to handle and even wore gloves during the process.
Later that evening I went to go take out my contacts; the first finger touch felt like I'd taken a hot fireplace poker to my eye.  The pain was excruciating and immediate and resulted in a solid 20 minute burn even with continuous rinsing in the shower.  My eye nearly swelled shut.  I couldn't wear contacts again for a few days.
The mistake?
I had handled the BAG with bare hands prior to setting down to work.  Pex later told me he'd not washed the bag when doing the seeding.
Lesson:  never assume the outside of a seed trade bag is free from the oils inside it.
KingLeerUK said:
A variation on the classic story...
Last year I received a large bag of red bhut seeds from Pex.  So one evening I was putting seeds in to paper towels to pre-soak prior to planting.  Knowing that the oil on the seeds can be pretty noxious I used tweezers to handle and even wore gloves during the process.
Later that evening I went to go take out my contacts; the first finger touch felt like I'd taken a hot fireplace poker to my eye.  The pain was excruciating and immediate and resulted in a solid 20 minute burn even with continuous rinsing in the shower.  My eye nearly swelled shut.  I couldn't wear contacts again for a few days.
The mistake?
I had handled the BAG with bare hands prior to setting down to work.  Pex later told me he'd not washed the bag when doing the seeding.
Lesson:  never assume the outside of a seed trade bag is free from the oils inside it.

Yes, that was my mistake - that Sharpie was soaking wet with oil, then dried tacky. I didn't think twice about picking it up a couple days later... BZZZZZZZZZT!
Reminds me of what happend way back in high school.  A friend brought a bag of habaneros from the ag department greenhouse to lunch, and we all proceeded to eat them, and then rub our eyes, take a leak, etc...