Add another chili head to the site

This place is great. I have been growing chilis and collecting hot sauce for years. So im sure I will find as well as share many recipies and even trade seeds with the group.

I added pictures to the 4 main plants i'm growing this year here. They include the Orange Devil Habinaro, Ring of fire, Scotch Bonett, and Naga Jolokia

The plant are growing on a deck in Barrie ontario.
welcome aboard mate......arggggggggggggg looks like you have a nice green thumb
my thumb is brown everything i touch dies.
Welcome Pyro.

What a great idea for posting your peppers... I think I should follow suit... If I can find the time. We've got quite a few plants growing but no fruit as yet.

:welcome: from californiaa !
Always good to see new people
if you have a facebook join here http://www.facebook....217248138297198 !
Welcome Saucybugger to the forum. Somehow you have resurrected a very old member introduction. Haven't seen this member on here nor any others from that thread since I've been here.

Enjoy Mike
