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Adice needed - different levels of heat from same plant

Hello All,
I could use some advice on this topic. With some species ie Demon Red I can produce the same level of heat given a single plant; all of the peppers have more or less the same heat. But with some others ie Jalapeno, the heat level of peppers from the same plant varies a lot (some are sweet no heat at all, some little heat, some mild, some really hot). Is it be something I dont do properly ie watering/nutrition, or depends more on the quality of the seeds, maybe both?
Thanks in advance
My Jalapenos do the same; some have no heat at all, others are quite spicy, and occasionally, one will be exceptionally hot (for a Jalapeno).
 Comes down to the plant I think. One thing that changes heat is how ripe they are. While jalapenos are picked green some can be picked late before ripening to red which would result in a spicier one, versus jalapenos that are picked early while green resulting in a more mild one. 
Sorry, forgot to mention; I'm talking about fully ripened ones. Even amongst those, a lot have no heat at all, some better, some have lots of heat from the same plant.
There's lots of things that contribute to heat, acidity of soil, stress, nutrition, water content ect. 
Example. harvesting after a rain or watering can give you different results vs harvesting during drought. 
Thanks. I understand that but not just that i treat them similarly, but they even come from the same plant. I'd expect the heat to be close, or at least not completely different :(
balages74 said:
Thanks. I understand that but not just that i treat them similarly, but they even come from the same plant. I'd expect the heat to be close, or at least not completely different :(
it's fairly common, especially in annums. I can have one jalapeno that barely has any heat and another that lights me up. 
Each pepper is unique just like each child a person has (including twins that develop at the same exact time in the same exact conditions)  - even though the kids all have the same parents and have grown up in the same conditions they each have their own traits.
Even if the peppers are growing on the same plant at the exact same time the different locations on the plant they grow will receive different amounts of nutrients and will develop different characteristics as one branch may get more sunlight than another or may have larger leaves and stems so can deliver more nutrients to that specific location on the plant, etc. etc. - so it is perfectly normal for the heat level to vary and isn't much that can be done about it.