• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

AHHHHH !!!!!

I planted my Bhut plants at the beginning of August. I have two plants one 19" and the other just over 2'. The were originally started indoors under a grow light and then transferred out to my balcony. When I first moved them (when they were 4-5 weeks old)to the balcony something started eating the leaves. There were a couple of holes in my screens so I replaced the screens and all has been good since. The other day I noticed my Cauliflower plant has most of the leaves destroyed ! WTF ? Anyways, the soil that I used to germinate & sprout my Bhuts was reused in a transplant. Go figure, another Bhut sprouted just last week !!! That means that seed took almost 3 months to sprout. Wow, that seems like a long time to me. So I thought I would grow it indoors for the winter (not that our winters are bad here in South Florida). Well, today I personally watched my girlfriends stupid cat eat my whole seedling. Didn't even chew !!! Most people deal with pests in their gardens but mine is alot bigger of a pest. All I can hope for is that she eats one of the Bhuts when the pods form. That'll teach her !!!!

Now you know why I start all my seedlings in either cages or chambers with lids! I had eight seedlings growing in a window sill this spring - one morning all eight had been topped.

CraigMack137 said:
I planted my Bhut plants at the beginning of August. I have two plants one 19" and the other just over 2'. The were originally started indoors under a grow light and then transferred out to my balcony. When I first moved them (when they were 4-5 weeks old)to the balcony something started eating the leaves. There were a couple of holes in my screens so I replaced the screens and all has been good since. The other day I noticed my Cauliflower plant has most of the leaves destroyed ! WTF ? Anyways, the soil that I used to germinate & sprout my Bhuts was reused in a transplant. Go figure, another Bhut sprouted just last week !!! That means that seed took almost 3 months to sprout. Wow, that seems like a long time to me. So I thought I would grow it indoors for the winter (not that our winters are bad here in South Florida). Well, today I personally watched my girlfriends stupid cat eat my whole seedling. Didn't even chew !!! Most people deal with pests in their gardens but mine is alot bigger of a pest. All I can hope for is that she eats one of the Bhuts when the pods form. That'll teach her !!!!


Cats and Dogs many seem to love chillis as a diet add-on lol,Problem is stopping them doing it..Some use very hot sauces on leaves to deter them others use high pitched sounds and probably the best is just making sure your pets are as far way from your chilis as possible..With cats no easy thing though :)