Aji Mango

These are on my wish list for next season's grow, definitely going to try and snag some off hel site when fall comes. The lot of you who are growing them should keep the rest of us updated so that we can drool over them, please, thank you. 
Comptine said:
These are on my wish list for next season's grow, definitely going to try and snag some off hel site when fall comes. The lot of you who are growing them should keep the rest of us updated so that we can drool over them, please, thank you. 
Just got my seeds. I am going to germinate two and overwinter a plant. Maybe see how big it gets and bonchi it. We will see. I'll be happy to send some seeds from the plant if it produces before year's end. It will be isolated
NickP said:
Just got my seeds. I am going to germinate two and overwinter a plant. Maybe see how big it gets and bonchi it. We will see. I'll be happy to send some seeds from the plant if it produces before year's end. It will be isolated
They're good seeds. I started some for my son a few days before you asked about them. Most of them have taproots out now. Hasn't been 2 weeks yet and I'd say it's 75% germ right now
NickP said:
Just got my seeds. I am going to germinate two and overwinter a plant. Maybe see how big it gets and bonchi it. We will see. I'll be happy to send some seeds from the plant if it produces before year's end. It will be isolated
Hopefully Judy will have some on sale again, she must, right?
This plant has some freaking huge leaves for a baccatum!
I got some seeds from ozzy2001 and germinated 2. 1 poped and went straight to a 4 inch pot outside. From indoor baggie to outdoors and it's still alive only about an inch big. This was a test to see if I can go straight from baggie to outside and so far it's working
im bringing this thread back.  I wanted to hear updates from everyone who had some plants going.  i have plenty of pods on mine but none are ripe yet.  I did hear from someone that had a ripe pod that its one of his new favorites.  just curious to hear more updates.
**Edit:  I just had a 3rd pod that blew my mind with it's rich fragrance and flavor compared to the previous.  I think this last one was a bit more ripe.  Anyway, I had to add a bit more to the review because of it.
Beautiful orange pods!   I have a second plant with pods that look a bit skinnier and longer so far.  None of these have ripened yet for me to compare against but since this is a new release they probably need a little more stabilizing.  
Here is a little review based on the couple I've had. 
Upon slicing into the pod I was greeted with a fairly in your face sweet tropical type fragrance.  Yes it smells a lot like Mango..intoxicating!  They are not thin walled but do trend to the thinner end of the spectrum with a pleasing crunchy, crisp texture.  My mind wanted to compare them to the aji amarillo due to the color and slightly similar smell but they are in fact quite different. The aji mango has a much more delicate flavor burst compared to amarillo.  I wouldn't call it diluted but it doesn't quite slap you in the face with flavor like an amarillo will.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it allows for really interesting layers to develop while being inundated with that amazing mango fragrance.  I can see how the taste could be likened to mango but my first thought was of a ripe tangerine.....mellow, rounded with just a hint of citrus tang and no soapy aftertaste.  The heat is toned down to an easily manageable level with a nice clean finish.  Definitely a great tasting and smelling pepper that lands firmly in my top 10!  I could eat a bucket of these!!
1st pod

2nd pod 
Thanks for the review.  i cant wait for mine to ripen so i can try them.  first will probably start changing color sometime here soon.  the two reviews I have heard are both excellent.



Well, I got these mystery seeds which were labeled Jays Red Ghost Scorpion of all things lol.  I ate one the other day and it nearly had no heat so after exaustive research I found the Aji Mango pics. 
If these are indeed Aji Mango which will become evident after they ripen I would be happy to share or trade seeds with anyone living in USA. 
Thanks for the review. My one surviving plant is doing well and flowering nicely, but has not set pods. I am praying I get some ripe ones before the end of the season. It's a short one here in Utah
Wasup Bros!!
I've got my first Aji Mango.

While I'm writing this, I am gonna eat it. Be back in a few.
The tastes reminds me a bit of the Aji Lemondrop. Very very crunchy. Has a lemony twist to it. Although I can't find the Mango in there.
I'll take a pic of some of mine. I agree with the earlier review of the instant fruity smell when you cut them open. Really awesome taste, familiar Baccatum taste but a tad sweeter than an Aji Pineapple.
I really like these.
From what I can see here, the was a reason they where on Judy's new & unstable page. Definitely some variation.
Here is one of mine.

These have a mild baccy taste with a fruity mango undertone. The smell is strong fruity baccy. But there really is a slight mango taste in there.
I was going to say these were my new favorite baccatum, but those Dulce Sol might have them beat.
i like seeing these reviews im seeing.  I have the first ripe mango on my plant but i think ill leave it for a few days to get sweeter hopefully.  theres a few more with just a slight color change so they will be turning here soon too.  I cant wait to try them.  Growhead, I also have the dulce sols growing but they are a good bit behind and i probably wont have anything ripe for quite some time.  what are they like?
I finally have some ripe peppers but it appears mine arent the Mango variety, the color is way off.  Its more red than peach but it has the same dimples at bottom of pepper, sure wich I could get a proper I.D. 
Buzzman19 said:
I finally have some ripe peppers but it appears mine arent the Mango variety, the color is way off.  Its more red than peach but it has the same dimples at bottom of pepper, sure wich I could get a proper I.D. 
These came off Judy's new 2015 and unstable page. There is variation being shown, your plant is proving this as well.
I am positive that yours is a aji mango by the shape, just an off phenotype of it. Same dimple on the tip has been common among the picts.
GA Growhead said:
These came off Judy's new 2015 and unstable page. There is variation being shown, your plant is proving this as well.
I am positive that yours is a aji mango by the shape, just an off phenotype of it. Same dimple on the tip has been common among the picts.
Wow, thank you so much for the reply and knowledge of this pepper.  I gotta say I really like this one, I will be growing again next year for sure! 