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harvesting AJs 17th Harvest 10-05-08

AlabamaJack said:
The gates are locked so if you decide to come, let me know and I will unlock them and throw a couple of sleeping bags out for you guys...

I hope you all know, if you are a member here, you are welcome at my humble abode...

If you come to sleep in the back yard with the peppers, don't plan on coming in July and August unless you can handle the heat...night time lows are usually mid 80s or a little higher...

You're on AJ. I can just see Jay, IGG and I sitting by the campfire roasting your chilies, passing a joint and taking some acid hits. :lol:

P.S. The heat is no problem for me. ;)
Great harvest as always! I've been away for 5 days and hope to find lotsa ripe pods to harvest tomorrow morning!
can I take pictures?...roflmao...
Philipperv said:
You're on AJ. I can just see Jay, IGG and I sitting by the campfire roasting your chilies, passing a joint and taking some acid hits. :lol:

P.S. The heat is no problem for me. ;)

id pay to see the pictures :lol:
none....most dried, three pints of Orange hab concentrate (probably 400 pods), 14 Pints chili, I have canned 27 pints of salsa and have about 8 or so left, seven 1/2 pints of Datil Relish, and a couple half pints of Plum hot. I just may not freeze any this year...when the superhot harvest comes in earnest, I am going to do a lot of pickling...

I got my 23 quart pressure cooker yesterday and am ready to start canning a lot...
Thats quite the collection AJ. How much are you anticipating on actually using before next years harvests come?
I will try to rashion the stuff out so It will last me until I start picking annuums the end of May next year and Nagas the end of June next year...that is if all goes right...a lot of the stuff I still have yet to can will be christmas gifts to friends...

I figure that the pressure canning process will insure the stuff is safe for at least a year...
and I can attest to its goodness...I got a big grin on my face right now looking at seven 1/2 pints of it staring me in the face...
AlabamaJack said:
and I can attest to its goodness...I got a big grin on my face right now looking at seven 1/2 pints of it staring me in the face...
Man, every time you say that, it makes me hungry again....hmmmm, what's in the fridge...

I had grilled lamb chops tonight with jalapeno relish on them with a mixture of rice, brocilli, carrots and chipolte sauce with cheddar cheese.

It was seriously good.
all I can say Nat is thank you for the recipe...I followed it to a T and it came out wonderful...

I might add, it is a pleasure seeing you online this friday night...
AlabamaJack said:
all I can say Nat is thank you for the recipe...I followed it to a T and it came out wonderful...

I might add, it is a pleasure seeing you online this friday night...
Well thanks man! I'm sure glad you like that relish. I make the same thing with jalapenos. That's what I had tonight. It's not as hot, but has great flavor on a lot of dishes. It's great on lamb.
can't do sheep products Nat...had a really bad experience with mutton when I was about 7 years old...bit into a piece of mutton talor that was cold.....ewwwwwwwwwwwww....
AlabamaJack said:
can't do sheep products Nat...had a really bad experience with mutton when I was about 7 years old...bit into a piece of mutton talor that was cold.....ewwwwwwwwwwwww....
Mutton is pretty greasy to be eaten cold. What is "mutton talor"?
talor is the hard fat part...thats what the old folks called it...spelling may be off
AlabamaJack said:
talor is the hard fat part...thats what the old folks called it...spelling may be off
It makes me think of the word "Tallow", which is used differently throughout English speaking countries. One of it's uses is to describe "Hard Animal Fat". The word "Talor" may be a local branching of that word, or the usage in a Virginia dialect I've heard "Taler" which is when words like Yellow are changed to Yeller. Thanks man, that's interesting to me. I love learning things. I went to a State Fair one time as an adult, and the guy running one of the booths said he could tell where you were raised by having you read the sign above his booth.

I watched, and he was good. He got four couples correct before me. They admitted that he was right on target for where they were raised.

When I read it, he got a funny look on his face and told me to pick a prise. He said "I can't tell you where you were raised, but I can tell you where you've been." Then he named off about 10 of the states and several of the countries I had been to at that point. He was real good and I told him I didn't deserve the prise. It was fun!