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AJs First Ever Hot Sauce 08-24-08


Well, I made my first hot sauce today…kinda used Stillmanz recipe but did a lot of substitution…total pepper weight was 200 gms.

43 - Jamaican Hot Reds
40 - Tepins
10 - NuMex Bailey Pequin
25 - White Habeneros
4 - Orange Habaneros
2 - Chocolate Habeneros
1 - Dorset Naga
2 - 7 Pot
1 - Trinidad Scorpion
3 Tbsp Salt
9 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1200 ml Plums (Mango flavored)
5 Limes
4 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp Arrowroot


Will be working on a label later tonight…I am going to call it “Plum Hot”

These are 150 ml containers.
I think you are right about the jelly/jam Stillz...they are sweeter than either a plum or apricot by themselves...I will try and see if I can find out where they came from...maybe Mexico since I got them from Central Market and they are an HEB food store...
Nice to see you enjoy your sauces A.J herers an intresting article on plum history,ive planted a Victoria and Green Gauger Plum trees ready for next year and a damson..Gotta have something sweet with the heat :)
BigDogDaddy Poppers

Ok, here is a picture, of the jalapeno poppers that my daughter and I made this past week. They are very tasty, and they are some of the best I have eaten so far to date....even better than the deep fried ones.

Here's the recipe:

Cut your peppers in half, remove the seeds and placental tissue. Fill the shell with cream cheese, and then put a slice of cheddar on top of that to seal the deal. Pre-cook your bacon(hickory smoked) for about a minute just to help get it where it needs to be.

Lay the bacon flat on the cutting board, lay the pepper half in the middle, wrap it around on both sides..stick a toothpick through the middle....and then it is ready for the cookie sheet.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. And once all your stuffed peppers are ready....put em in for 10-12 minutes....depending on how you like your bacon...and then you have some of the finest appetizers on the planet. Let me know if ya'all try this recipe....everyone who has tasted these loves them....ENJOY!!!

Here they are ready to go into the oven...


and here they are after the 10 minutes in the hot box...


My "little girl" Cat, also known around home as "Chef Cat" is in her third year of culinary arts instruction, and once her High School years are completed, is looking forward to going to New York and attending one of the finest culinary arts institutions in our country. She is just a part of my pride and joy. Ya'all have a good one!
Yeah, the first time I ever had poppers it was kinda like that.

The girlfriend at the time just sliced some jalapenos lengthwise, scooped 'em out, and filled with cream cheese. Then broiled until the cheese got a little golden and bubbly. Was simple and tasted great!
it's all gone BDD... :(

no problem on the post...I figured it was a mix up but to me that is no nevermind...
You ate it all already??? I still have about a quart of mine. Maybe I will send a little of it along in your package (yeah I still didn't get around to finishing it) so you can compare it to your plum sauce.
that's cool JayT...this coming weekend is going to be harvesting and sauce making...I got peppers comin' out my ears....I hadn't gotten your care package there yet either...I want to pick a couple of fresh ones for you and mail them the same day...probably will send them next day...I will pm you when I mail it to let you know when to expect it...

this coming weekend is AJ mails seeds to those who I have promised...
Oh, that reminds me, AJ, i still have a tiny bit of your "plum good" sauce left, and i found one of the most awesomest uses for it...i used a lot of it to glaze a country ham last week. Oh, damn that was killer.
thats what I have found it works best for too is a glaze when I BBQ...have not thought of the ham thing yet but I bet it is good...

hope they still have those pluots at central market, I will probaby make another batch using 7 pots and scorpions this time...