That it did! With HBD 1498 sauce, Habs, and Dundicut chilis (near Habanero in heat), it was kind of like eating molten lava - but with great taste!DD I bet that melted your mouth off!!
Great job. Almost looked tex-mexish, like something TB would make (and that's a compliment).
Nice challenge, guys!
Thank you AJ... Good luck to you too!great entry DD...
good luck to you...
I don't have more pictures. The Habs are in there - the stuffed chili was really soft and cutting it pushed down on it... They're hard to see, but you can see a stuffed Hab peaking out in the left side - in the close up picture. Each chili in my entry had 3 stuffed Habs in any more pics? Where'da stuffed habs? All I see is cheese.
Thank you!Dave that's a nice cheesy saucy entry.
Hey AJ I'm glad you added the 2nd final pic, those pics are great.