AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots, LLC


This has been a rather hard year for my business. I won't go into details, but just let it suffice to say I lost a bunch of money this year on my Mississippi Scorpion Venture and thus, I have decided to shut the business down and go back to hobby growing.

For those that were customers of the AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots[sup]®[/sup], LLC, words can not express my gratitude.


Ronnie Walley
Managing Member
AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots[sup]®[/sup], LLC
Sorry to hear that. I noticed you have been absent from the board as of late.

Hope thing pick up for you.
I'm sorry to hear that, AJ.
I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming year much better, either as a gardener or as a businessman.
Wish you much luck, dear friend! :cheers:
I have heard of some of the bad luck you have had and really hope you can rise above it. I know it will take time and it is frustrating. I hope you get to a better place and can go back to enjoying chillies and not give up completely growing them. You took a chance which is what we have to do in life unfortunately it didn't work out. Good on you for giving it a go though, I hope you can find some happiness in something else.
AJ, I am both sorry to hear that, and hopeful that you will change your mind and give it another go somewhere down the road. You have been an inspiration to so many here. Your generosity and knowledge are unsurpassed. I wish you the best with whatever transpires.
AJ, i'm sorry to hear about that. I'm proud to have been a customer of your fine products (via central market houston).

My family always tells me i should make a business of making pizza's, but its more fun when its a hobby. I tell them if it becomes a business, i loose the fun in making them. Maybe growing peppers should stay as a hobby for you and it will be more fun and less stressful.
So sorry to hear this AJ, I hope this experience doesn't ruin the fun of growing for you. Coming by and seeing your setup at your house this year definitely got me excited about growing. Like others have said, maybe keeping it a hobby for a while and getting back to the reasons you started growing in the first place will help heal what has happened this year. Keep your head up.
Sad to hear about your venture into farming and I was worried about your remote long distance grow. Farmers have it rough with lots of ups and downs. Hopefully you'll give it another go in the future and use this experience as a learning one. Best of luck Ronnie.
Good luck to you Ronnie on maintaining your home chile farming hobby. You have the guts I wish I had to pursue your passion and go for it. It is individuals like you that take a chance and make this a better world for all of us. I admire your courage.
Sorry to hear that dude. It was a pleasure doing business with you. I'll see you in a couple months at Zest Fest, I got first round, my friend.
Your calling is purees. Now get to it, and market those bad boys.
Your calling is purees. Now get to it, and market those bad boys.

Ronnie I am sorry to hear your loss has turned you off, but on the bright side you now have more time for your search for the perfect pepper with the perfect burn.

You should compile a book with seed to harvest tips, tricks and setups. I know I have seen the pictures and you always go big then tell how one can use it but still go small. Although I have seen alot here I would buy that book.

Hopefully in the future you can climb back up and get going again if that is what you desire.
There is nothing else I can say except, sh*t happens and you are way too good to be out of the business for good. Once you perfect the greatest "burn" it will be EVERYWHERE!

Good luck man.


I'm sorry to hear the sad news, It seemed like you had the market cornered with your new ventures, and it was only the beginning of a new horizon,

Hope all is well, with everyones health...

I'm sorry to hear this too. I personally think it's hard to be successful unless the people responsible for a grow-out are personally responsible and have serious assets on the line as yourself. No one is as dedicated as yourself to something. It takes a special kind of person to be like that.

I'm sure you'll be back in some way with peppers. You're too dedicated, inventive and smart not to. :)
