• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Alex's Grow Log 2012

Hey guys I'm gonna do another grow log hopefully this one isn't a fail like my past two lol I am waiting on a few packages in the mail and then the real growing will start :) heres what i got growing so far :) If i forgot to list someone who i got seeds from im sorry

Yellow Trinidad Scorpion 2/3
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 3/3
Naga Morrich 1/3
Naga Jolokia Purple 2/3
The Untouchable Sword Of Shiva 1/3
Dorset Naga 3/3
Cap 1445 3/3
Wildfire 3/3
Bih Jolokia 3/3
Black Stinger 3/3 Superhot
Trinadad Scorpion Cardi 1/3
7 Pot Brain Strain 1/3
Butch T Trinadad Scorpion 2/3 Novacastrian
Black Naga 3/3
Trinadad Scorpion Moruga Blend 3/3
7 Pot Brown 2/3
Congo Black 3/3
7 Pot 3/3
Orange Bhut Jolokia 3/3
Scorpanero Neon Yellow 2/3 Aji Joe
Peter Orange 3/3
Peter Red 2/3
Sweet Banana 3/3
Trinidad Perfume 3/3
Trinidad Scorpion 3/3

and i just started these a few days ago so thats why there are zeros there ^_^
Pimente De Neyde 0/3 Redtailforester
Goronong 0/3
Sunrise Trinidad Scorpion 0/3 Franzb69
7 Pod Barrackpore 0/3
7 Pod White 0/3 Junglerain
7 Pod Primo 0/3

Curently waiting on a package from chile pepper pete containing
Raja Mirchi
7 Pod Bublegum

im also gonna place a few orders to a few other stores and try and make a few trades so i can get everything started before march 15 :)
Got my orders from Junglerain and Chile Pepper Pete today :) this is what i got:

Jungle rain:
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Long
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Cap Toverii
Devil's Tongue White
Trinidad Scorpion FG Mustard
Trinadad Scorpion FG Yellow
Trinadad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Yellow 7 Pod x Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta de Neyde (black version)

Chile Pepper Pete:
7 Pod Bubblegum
Raja Mirch

I'll get these in jiffy pellets later and post the rest im growing :) (i got a lot of homework first)
That is the most impressive list of peppers I've seen on this forum!
You are one ambitious pepper freak! Hope your sore arm isn't
cramping your style! Sorry to hear about the 'drying out', maybe
some of them will surprise you! Where will you put all those plants,
Yeah I'm still trying to figure it out. My collection started when I was 8 I just upgraded my list by another 50 varieties lol. Thanks for the kind words it actually hasnt been bothering me i took my sling off on sunday :). Im running on little sleep though because of going to a few doc appointments i had tons of homework and i had to get it all done last night so i did about 40 assignments yesturday lol. i was up til 6 am doing school work so i decided it would be a little easier to just do school later since all my classes are recorded so i woke up at 3 pm lol ^_^.

Three packages arrived today:

Aji Cachcucha
Aji Umba Red
Aji Umba Yellow
C. rhomboideum
Ecuadorian Brown
Ecuadorian Devil's Breath
Ecuadorian Red Pepper From Hell
Habanero Gambia Orange
Habanero Gambia Red
Habanero Green
Habanero Guadaloupe
Habanero Manzano (extra)
Habanero Martinique
Habanero Roatan Pumpkin
Habanero Ugandian Red
Habanero Vietnam
Machu Pichu
Pimenta Moranga (extra)
Rocoto Brown
Scotch Bonnet Foodorama
Trinidad Scorpion Orange

Rainbow Chile Seeds:
7 Pod Jonah (extra)
7 Pod Yellow (extra)
Antillias Caribbean (extra)
Bido Tacana
Bonnet Bell
Cabai Chile Tree
Calusa Indian Mound
Cumari Parana
Habanero Manzano
Habanero Mili
Habanero Red Domincan (extra)
Morouga Orange (extra) (excited about this one :) )
Peito De Moca (extra)

7 Pot Chiguanas
Aji mix (extra) (gonna make me some crosses with this :) )
Anitilles Fire
Habanero Adalberto
Habanero Magnum
Queen Laurie
fatalii (extra)

I planted all the seeds i got from semillas and rainbow chile seeds and i ran out of trays.

If anyone is wondering why i ordered so many peppers its because i did some work around the house and my mom would rather buy me peppers then buy me a video game lol
1 more tray and i gonna list everything im growing from seed then in a few days im heading out to bowers for some plants ;P
well here is a list its unfinnished though and i still have to make my trips to CCN and Meadow view Farms

C annuum
Aci Sivri
Beaver Dam
Bird Dung
Black Scorpion Tongue
Brazilian Rainbow
Cabai Chile Tree
Calusa Indian Mound
Cap 1445
Cayenne Charleston
Cayenne Golden
Cayenne Long Thin
Cayenne Purple
Cayenne Ring Of Fire
Chiapas Piquin
Chervena Chushka
Chiltepin Sonoran Orange
Chocolate Cherry
Ebony Fire
Florida Wild
Ho Chi Minh
Holland Hot Finger
Holiday Time
Hot Ecuador aka Dragon tears
Huth's Red Tomato Pepper
Indian Jwala
Jalapeno M
Japonese Poinsettia
Lalbagh Bell
Little Elf
Maria Nagy Hot
Monkey Face Red
Monkey Face Yellow
Naranji Bell
Peter Orange
Peter Red
Peter Yellow
Rat Turd
Red Bell
Rooster Spur
Royal Black
Sheepnose Pimento
Shepherds Ramshorn
Siling Bilog
Siling Haba
Sona Bell
Sweet Banana
Taza Bell
The Untouchable Sword Of Shiva
Tomato Pepper
Trinidad Purple Coffee
Weaver's Mennonite Stuffing Bell
Wenks Yellow Hots
Yellow Bell
Yolo Wonder Bell
Zimbabwe Bird

C baccatum
Aji Bolsa De Dolse
Aji Jose
Aji Macho
Inca Berry
Queen Laurie

C chinense
7 Molhos
7 Pod
7 Pod Barrackpore
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Bubblegum
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chaguanas
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Douglah Red
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Long
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod Yellow x Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
7 Pod White
Aji Cachcucha
Aji Umba Red
Aji Umba Yellow
Antilles Fire
Antillias Caribbean
Austrailian Lantern Red
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Orange
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia Purple
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde (black bhut)
Bido Tacana
Birgit's Locoto
Black Stinger
Bonda Ma Jaques
Bonnet Bell
Cheiro Do Norte
Congo Black
Congo Red
Devils Tongue
Devils Tongue Red
Devils Tongue White
Dorset Naga
Ecuadorian Brown
Ecuadorian Devil's Breath
Fatalii Chocolate
Fatalii Red
Habalokia Peach
Habalokia Red
Habalokia Yellow
Habalokia White
Habanero Adalberto
Habenero Chocolate
Habanero Gambia Orange
Habanero Gambia Red
Habanero Green
Habanero Guadaloupe
Habanero Harold St Barts
Habanero Lemon Yellow
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Long Red
Habanero Magnum
Habanero Manzano
Habanero Maraba
Habanero Martinique
Habanero Mili
Habanero Red Dominica
Habanero Roatan Pumpkin
Habanero Ugandian Red
Habanero Vietnam
Habanero Zavory
Hinklehatz Red
Machu Pichu
Madame Jeanette Yellow
Naga Morich
Numex Suave Orange
Numex Suave Red
Pimente De Neyde
Pimenta Moranga
Raja Mirchi
Scorpanero Neon Yellow
Scorpanero Peach
Scorpanero Red
Scotch Bonnet Foodorama
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Yellow
Scotch Bonnet Orange
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi
Trinidad Scorpion FG
Trinidad Scorpion FG Mustard
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Orange
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Orange
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Trinidad Scorpion Sweet
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow

C exile

C fruitsense
Naga Jolokia Purple
Siling Labuyo

C pratermissium
Cumari Parana

C pubescense
Ecuadorian Red Pepper From Hell
Rocoto Brown
Rocoto Red

C rhomboideum

C toverii
Okay, that's the most incredible grow list I've ever seen.
Good Luck managing all that!