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a while back, I did a population trend for aphids based on their general reproduction numbers, eggs laid, days to hatch, days to maturity after hatching....it blew me away...it is a kind of geometric progression...

as you can see if you don't get to aphids by day 21, you're plants are essentially goners...I started with one aphid...after day 30 wow...bumping 100,000 and another week, you are in the millions...

to me the key here is day 21...the "knee in the curve"....if you can catch them between day 14 and day 21, you got a real chance of stopping an infestation before it gets out of control...

Get some Andros ant bait and sprinkle it where you see the ants path of travel ,they pick it up and carry it back to their nest and they ALL feast on it and it kills the entire colony , kinda like Jim baker and the koolaid everybody drank ( All dead)

Jim Jones... don't want you getting sued by the Jim Baker camp. He was just a horn dog.
A non-lethal method is to put down coffee grounds. The ants don't like them and will eventually move on to a different location, plus the coffee is a mild fertilizer. Ants are good for the soil, but it is definitely better to not have them actually IN the garden where they can bite you.

Interesting! I'll have to try the coffee grounds. I have a plot that is on an enormous ant nest. It's the best place for sun. They were farming aphids until I killed all the aphids, heh.