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Any Good Jolokia Recipes?

Wondering if anyone has any good Bhut Jolokia Hot sauce or chili recipes or if your able to redirect me to an older thread, please let me know. Thanks!
thanks guys! much appreciated!

im sorry im new to growing peppers. actually new to growing period. lol. anyways, if bhuts arent good for sauce, then what good are they for? also whats a good pepper to grow good for sauces?
anyways, if bhuts arent good for sauce, then what good are they for? also whats a good pepper to grow good for sauces?

Bhuts aren't necessarily bad for sauces. It depends entirely on how much heat you want and what sort of flavor (although, admittedly, most of the hot sauce recipes being posted include bhuts as a secondary pepper). Basically, it's subjective. If you know that you want a sauce that slaps you in the groin while kissing your sister then just start experimenting with the bhuts and other ingredients. All it takes is a blender and a sauce pan.

There are a lot of recipes posted from which you can garner ideas and learn the basics. Once you get all of the rudimentary stuff down, experimenting is a total blast.

Por ejemplo, at the end of this season I'm going to take a crack at a fatalii, bhut and papaya-based sauce. As I'm not a super-experienced sauce maker, I'm sure it'll take some tweaking and a few lost batches before I get the taste right.

Best of luck, friend!
There is a good way to make them less hot and still let the flavor of the bhuts through. De-seed and de-vein them. Soak them in cheap vodka for an hour and pat them dry with a paper towel. You still get the great flavor and they have been toned down to the heat of an habanero.

Then take a shot of the vodka. :hell:
Not really a recipe, but try adding it to fish sauce. Goes great with vegetable stews or just veggies in general. I used the nuclear fish sauce with some sinigang(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinigang) the other day, and it was amazing. You can also mix it along with 1 part soy sauce with 1 part lemon/lime juice or vinegar. Obviously adjust the amount of jolokia to how spicy you like things, and a little goes a very long way.
When bhuts are dry, they have a similar flavor to cayenne, IMO. For any recipe that calls for cayenne, just use about 1/10 the measurement of bhuts. It's one way that we have stretched our spices out in the kitchen.