Any one else have just a terrible year for pods?

At first it was a late Spring holding me back from placing plants outside, then it was my chickens eating my plants to nubs, a couple of different times.  They bounced back, then pests came about making things rough, and now that I have some pods on a few plants, it's Fall.  I have a handful of plants that are coming inside tonight to avoid the huge dip in temps tonight, hoping I can ripen them up indoors.
So far I've gotten maybe a couple dozen ripe pods from a dozen or so superhot plants.  lol
Same here also. My superhots started growing less than a month ago and been warmer than last two months. Too late to get more than a couple dozen pods off 20 plus plants.
my habs,Serrano,thai and jalapeno all did well but my superhots not so good. I have 2 plants producing 12-15 pods which are my TS Moruga and Reaper
SavinaRed said:
my habs,Serrano,thai and jalapeno all did well but my superhots not so good. I have 2 plants producing 12-15 pods which are my TS Moruga and Reaper
Same here.  Not a single pod off one of my superhots, or, come to think of it, any chinense varieties.  Bad seeds and forgetfulness made me start too late this year.  At least my chiltepins are loaded!
I wouldn't say "terrible", but this has not been a good-weather year for us in OH. I have annuums that haven't even begun to ripen yet…. annuums???? And low tonight in the 40F's…. bah. At least the Congo Trinidads are finally starting to ripen. Going to be bringing them inside, fo sho.

Oh yeah, and did I mention deer?
Jackson13 said:
Same here also. My superhots started growing less than a month ago and been warmer than last two months. Too late to get more than a couple dozen pods off 20 plus plants.
If what I have on plants will ripen up I will be fine. 
i have around 6 lb harvest of supperhot, plus 3-4 pound i order, my mother ruined 2 lbs during drying. I also have few hundred supperhot outside not ripe, but the weather is chill, so i have to bring in as well.
yes in the beginning but all be it, it turned out just fine im in full swing have been for a few weeks now
sorry to hear you still are having a bad time
thanks your friend Joe
My jalapeno and tabasco plants are the only ones that produced for me so far this year. Got ONE yellow scorpion and a couple more growing. My Fataliis haven't put on a single pod. Yep... bad year
Two chiltepinplants two habanero plants three jalapeno plants all produced great all my supper hots not so well at all
And I have 3 small survivor Caribbean Reds just this week throwing pods lol. They are all under a foot in height and I will over winter these for sure as they are some of my favorite peppers.
geeme said:
I wouldn't say "terrible", but this has not been a good-weather year for us in OH. I have annuums that haven't even begun to ripen yet…. annuums???? And low tonight in the 40F's…. bah. At least the Congo Trinidads are finally starting to ripen. Going to be bringing them inside, fo sho.

Oh yeah, and did I mention deer?
Yep. Bad Ohio weather this year.
I've eaten one habanero this year.
It was off of a plant that I didn't grow from a seed myself.
*sobs in shame*
Sorry, it was/is a bumper crop for me this year,  Five gallon bags of super hots so far and I have to pick again today as I get ready to overwinter my plants.  I think tonight or tomorrow it's supposed to be in the high 30's so it's time to bring them in.
Bad dirt in starter pots.
Too much water on planting plot.
Did I mention bugs?
More wind.
Way to windy.
Grower inattention, due to grower too much attention last season.
But-----semi-bonchi projects are still alive, and have pods.
Hydro has monster plants.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
I have actually had a decent year.
I only have a small (4 feet by 32 feet) backyard garden, with another 4 foot by 4 foot box, and about 25 buckets and bags.
I forget exactly how many plants I ended up with, around 70 or so. My grow list is posted in my Glog. You can see a sample of some of the pods posted there.
All-in-all, I estimate I have picked around a thousand pods so far, and have maybe a couple hundred still ripening.
The weather has not been that bad, and I am two counties away from you.
Sounds like a normal year for me .... except for the chickens. :rofl:
I'm still not satisfied with whatever I'm doing/not doing to get some superhots.  I just think it's the heat stopping me.  Next season I'm going to try some other species and cut back on the superhots.  No point in having most of your plants produce pods in October/November only to still not be ripe by the time the first frosts hit.
One good thing about this season has been that I've found out that Jamaican Red Mushrooms and Tepins grow like crazy.  And I've also discovered I love tepins, so I'll be growing at least 3 or so plants of those next year.
BTW, I've gotten maybe 4 or 5 ripe pods from 7 or so superhots and I was only able to eat 2 of those because the rest something had gnawed into and it had started rotting.  Hope whatever bit into it erupted into flames. :D
Anyway, you know what they always say ... "there's always next year!" Well, unless you drop dead, then they lied.
Browning said:
At first it was a late Spring holding me back from placing plants outside, then it was my chickens eating my plants to nubs, a couple of different times.  They bounced back, then pests came about making things rough, and now that I have some pods on a few plants, it's Fall.  I have a handful of plants that are coming inside tonight to avoid the huge dip in temps tonight, hoping I can ripen them up indoors.
So far I've gotten maybe a couple dozen ripe pods from a dozen or so superhot plants.  lol
You are only ~150 mi. north east.  We may have had a cold spring and cool summer but I have thousands of peppers waiting on my lazy ass to pick them.   It has to be the chickens' fault.   Without chickens, this plant has hundreds of pods and wasn't transplanted from a solo cup till mid-June when I took a bush out and had room for it.  The funny part is the entire back half of the plant is dragging the ground from so many peppers... it used to be 1' taller than it is now. 
Chickens must die.  It is their purpose.