sun Any UK hobby chilli growers hoping for sun, rain, and warmth?

Hi all, been away from the forum for a bit as the weather has been a bit funky in the south east here. The sun's picked up a bit but so has the rains.
The good news is that the Hawks' Claw and Datil are picking up nicely, and have finally got a few flower buds on them. Even my experimental habanero is budding up nicely. And the "bazillion" seeds that I threw out (thinking they were dead) are slowly picking up, albeit VERY SLOWLY.
How about yours? Are yours podding up for a great harvest?
Currently in spain having my plants looked after by a neighbour. When I left my Purple Gusto had its first chillies and my Scorpion, Ghost and Habs were flowering. Hoping for the best on my return.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
I see it hasn't changed............ ;) 
Ugh... tell me about it!
Today is just about "warm" for a day in JULY, and that is really slowing things down for the small scale hobbyist like myself. I just need a few ripe pods from my hotter plants, really not asking for too much, am I?
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Today is just about "warm" for a day in JULY, ...... Why, did it reach 25C?
It's alledgedly 22 degrees C at the moment, and supposedly should warm up a bit more.
Not being pessimistic here, but just trying to keep it real... if my habs and datils are only just flowering now, I have 3 weeks in July, August, September and may be a week or 2 in October for them to fruit and ripen before the weather finishes them off. And right now, my Nagas have not even started budding! And they were sown in JANUARY!
Looks like my 2016-17 over-winter selection process could start now!  :rofl: 
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Today is just about "warm" for a day in JULY, ...... Why, did it reach 25C?
Calamari Kid said:
It's alledgedly 22 degrees C at the moment, and supposedly should warm up a bit more.
First year growing peppers for me. Success with germination was much better than expected and I have (too many for the space) healthy plants. Weather has been poor and having seen many posts here, our UK temps just don't cut it.
I am being ambitious growing Habaneros, Jays peach ghosts, Sunrise scorpions, devils tongue and jalapinos. All were started in january and are good size, all have buds, flowers and pods on the jalapinos and small pods on the Habaneros, scorpions and jays ghost, just the devils tongue with no pods. They live in a small plastic greenhouse aside from the runts of the litter who are braving the open sky's, jalapinos are putting out a small number of pods though.

UK climate will decide if more pods show up and actually ripen.....
Only just started a few weeks back with some plants from trelawney garden centre and only have a single pod at the moment. A cute little paper lantern.

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