Anyone have extra seeds/varietys?

Edmick said:
Looking at your post history OneHighJedi, I see you've done mostly asking for free seeds in your posts and I'm curious, are you looking for seeds for sale/trade or just for free? There seems to be a trend forming..

I've asked for seeds once before, like when I first started growing and didn't really have a clue where to get em from.
Last time I asked, I couldn't accept any since I was busy and couldn't grow them due to school..
But, I am looking for good seeds that people are kindly enough to offer.. I don't mean to be a freeloader or anything, just looking for the good stuff..
Do you have any "extra cash"?

You should offer something in return, not just ask for someone to put seeds in an envelope, pay for postage and take it to the post office. People think it's no big deal but when someone comes on here asking for "extra seeds", and 10 people oblige, now they have a hundred seeds to sell on ebay. It happens here all the time.

Like when someone asks if you have an "extra cigarette".

No dude, there's only 20 in a pack, buy one of your own.
OneHighJedi said:
I've asked for seeds once before, like when I first started growing and didn't really have a clue where to get em from.
Last time I asked, I couldn't accept any since I was busy and couldn't grow them due to school..
But, I am looking for good seeds that people are kindly enough to offer.. I don't mean to be a freeloader or anything, just looking for the good stuff..
Not knocking any of the fine folks on here but no one is really going to have the good stuff because most guys do not adequately section off their peppers (guru excluded). You will most likely get unexpected crosses that may not grow true.
Most importantly is that this is a community, people give and take. Get to know people and let them get to know you in return, encourage and share grows and what not. No one likes to feel like they were taken advantage of and thats happened so much that guys like Edmick and Scoville are skeptical and with good reason.
Sorry If I upset any of you guys. I literally had zero bad intention when I came here.
Saiias did offer to send me some seeds, so I am very thanksful for that..
Scoville DeVille said:
Do you have any "extra cash"?

You should offer something in return, not just ask for someone to put seeds in an envelope, pay for postage and take it to the post office. People think it's no big deal but when someone comes on here asking for "extra seeds", and 10 people oblige, now they have a hundred seeds to sell on ebay. It happens here all the time.

Like when someone asks if you have an "extra cigarette".

No dude, there's only 20 in a pack, buy one of your own.
^ this a million times over. Don't come here looking for handouts. These people are a good group. Move on if you're looking to take advantage.
Edmick said:
Not trying to discourage anyone from sharing but the problem OneHighJedi is that you only seem to come around when you need something.. this is a tight community of generous people and I don't want to see anyone taken advantage of. Catch my drift?
Point noted. Since I have promised in advance, I will keep my word for this time. Thanks Edmick.

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i consider myself to be a noobie here and look to be accepted as a good member to our online community. i have received seeds from other members when they offered them and offered to send SASE to cover mailing costs to the members offering free seeds. as others have noted if you can afford growing medium and fertilizer you can afford seeds also. they are cheap.
I don't offer seeds BECAUSE my plants are close-quartered and open pollinated. But if someone asks, and they know my particalers, I'll certainly send some mystery seeds.

I've taken a cue from Guru this year and purchased a couple dozen isolation bags, so I should have true seeds this year...maybe, if I remember to use those bags....
OneHighJedi said:
Sorry If I upset any of you guys. I literally had zero bad intention when I came here.


I'll take a chance and send some your way. I have way to many to grow out and seems like a waste to not give them a home.
These are seeds gifted by THP members when I first joined up.

Pm your address and I will get something out by the weekend.