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Anyone on here play WoW

I just got it...I'm just wondering if there are any other chiliheads out there living a double life. Just to nip this in the bud, WoW stands for World of Warcraft.
Unfortunately getting married pretty much ended my gaming pastime, but I did just recently beat God of War (PS2) - that was a very brutal game - not safe for anyone younger then 18 I would say. I loved it! :lol:
Played the older warcraft games - haven't tried the newest one yet. Recently got my hubby hooked on Sacred (Dioblo type game) All he played in the past was football games on the xbox. Now I can't get him off the computer when he's home. I think I have created an RPG monster. Cought him at Sams club in the computer game section looking at the new warcraft game - put a bug in his ear. Told him I heard it was real good and that we might want to give it a try. I am half expecting it to be under the tree come Christmas morn. :lol:
Well, being a DM from the early 80's, (Gygax anyone?), I have found that playing with a group of people far outweighs sitting on front of a cathode ray tube with a hand-held implement of virtual motion whilst feasting upon various nuritionally-challenged foodstuffs. Perhaps it's a "social" thing, but then again, for thousands of years, the human has been a social creature. Sorry, seems I'm going off on a diatribe. Just don't like seeing 200 pound 12 year olds with UV burns on their faces, and arthritic,overdeveloped thumb joints. Anyway, back to teaching my capsaicin-based homunculus how to rollerblade...
I gave up on PC gaming a few years ago, but Xbox is a different story. I was totally enthralled with Morrowind - GOTY for a long time, but haven't played it in a while. As for live gaming, haven't done RPG's in a while either. I've morphed into more of a board/strategy gamer anyway...at least that's what my uber-games shelf would indicate. 8)

- Joe