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Are dual monitors at home worth the money?

How many monitors do you use at home?

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Are dual monitors at home worth the money? I'm building a new comp, and I don't really do much gaming. I could have a lower spec comp with two monitors, a higher spec comp with one monitor, or I could just be a cheapo and get the lower spec comp. Keep in mind I have $90k in student loans...the computer I'm currently using is 7 years old and is starting to lag even while just opening emails while multi tasking AIM and the internet.
For video editing, yes. For general computing, no.
I use 2 monitors at work and it is very handy but I can't see the point in having 2 at home.....I would rather spend the money on getting 1 great quality wide screen monitor for home.

2 monitors may help a little while doing school stuff but in the long run you are better off getting 1 good one instead of 2 crap ones....
i have had one for most of my life but recently got another and it's great.

I have a 21" and 22" widescreen. It's great having more desktop space (ultramon is a great app) and i can watch movies on one screen while chatting/interwebbing on the other.

Also have the xbox plugged into one of them, so i can game on super clear screen while computering on the other.

edit: i totally agree on "one good monitor > 2 crap ones". My main 21" monitor is a samsung of great quality. Viewing angle is massive and no colour distortion from vertical viewing angle change like you see on dodgier panels. My cheap 22" that i picked up as a second monitor is fine from dead straight on, but fails as far as colour reproduction goes. It's 16:9 though so great for console gaming.
The 'better monitor' cost at least twice as much but it's so worth it.
I have 2 at home, a 19" and 22". At work I have 6. I could never go back to less than 2. I don't watch TV so if I'm home, I'm either asleep or on the computer. Typically at home, I'll have music or a movie playing on the 19" and also use that for all my IM windows that I usually have open and use the 22" for my main stuff, or sometimes playing a game.

To the guy above me, yes Ultramon is a great utility. Linux has great multi monitor support also, but it's not quite as straightforward to set up.

I totally recommend having two. You don't know what you're missing until you use a multi head setup.
I use them here at work(two 19") and since i've had them i couldn't even imagine working without them. They make life so much easier for me. Especially since here at work i have to have about 6 pages open at the same time to do my job quickly and properly. If i ever get a comp at home i'll more than likely go for 2 monitors also because i'm so used to it now.
if you get a wide screen monitor, you can open 2 programs side by side on the one screen, ie word and excel.

I set up a dual monitor on my wife's computers and ran cable into the client area so that she can show clients what their pets had been up to.