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chinense Are "Habanero" and "Orange Habanero" the same thing?

This is a silly question, but I could not find a clear answer doing a simple Google search. Maybe there is someone here that can help me.

I recently took a trip to my local nursery and they had some pepper seedlings for sale. I came upon two Habanero seedlings, one marked "Habanero," and the other "Orange Habanero." The one marked "Habanero" had a picture of two Habaneros side by side, one green and the other sort of yellowish (I'm guessing the yellowish one is the ripened one), and the Orange Habanero of course had a picture of Orange Habanero. Is there a difference between the two?

If they are the same, maybe I should consider doing business elsewhere, lol. If they are different, can anyone tell me also, what makes them so different (taste, size, texture, etc)? Thanks in advance everyone.
I Had the same question a couple of months ago but Habanero is the type of pepper and there is many different types of habaneros and I would think those two might be the same one
Orange habaneros are the real habs and are from the Yucatan peninsula and surrounding areas of Mexico. Others are misnamed, are crosses, or possible mutants. Most often they are misnamed because its just easier to call them habs than to explain the whole Capsicum Chinense scientific name. Even here I've recently seen peppers listed as fatalii habaneros and 7 pod habaneros :( They don't have hab shape, color, flavor, or origin
Sorry to bump an old thread. I bought some chillies sold as yellow Habaneros from the market in the middle of Munich. They looked exactly like the photos of Fatalii I find when googling and had a citrus lemon flavour. The tasted very nice indeed.

I bought three peppers from the market, one of them had a slight orange hue and so I left it till last. When I came to eat it, it was completely orange so I assume that it somehow got mixed up with the other yellow habaneros. It had a different flavour and smell.

The reason I want to know whether or not the two yellow ones were Fatalii is because I plan to grow them next year. I have already planted some of the seeds that I saved from the two fruit.
Sounds like Lemon drops...?


Fatalii are hotter than Lemon Drops, but I'm not sure how hot yours were, lol