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chinense Are the Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich the same pepper?

Been asked many times before yes the nagas are the same just grown in different regions. They have small differences when grown side by side.
Ah ok. Wiki said it was the same but then I was thinking, well why have the differentiation in name then between one and the other. Why not just sell seeds by one name but I guess if there are very slight differences, thats probably why. See I ordered some Bhut Jolokia seeds and Naga Morich seeds. So far my Naga Morich are sprouting but not my Bhuts. Both sets from chilliseed.uk.

kylestl said:
Been asked many times before yes the nagas are the same just grown in different regions. They have small differences when grown side by side.
In my garden last year, the bhut was a longer, fatter pepper than the naga morich. The naga also outproduced the bhut almost 5 to 1. I got about 200 peppers off a single naga plant and about 45 on the bhut. Both peppers are outrageously hot though.

I believe a lot depends on your seed source. I've heard nagas are bigger from some but usually bhuts are bigger, and I've heard and seen both being very productive and also not so productive. I believe they were once the same pepper but through selective breeding and regional variables, there now have minor differences
l agree with the others that they do seem to be different varieties. I grew them back to back and found the Naga was smaller, but double the amount in production, and both had about the same heat level. The Bhuts seemed a little weaker and would break off the vine easier and they seemed thinner walled. In 2008 I planted 20 Bhuts and 20 Nagas at the same time, it took my Bhuts an additional month before producing pods when compared to the Nagas. We had a fairly cold and wet summer hat year and more then 90% of my Bhuts got mold on the pods before they were even red in color and were a total waste, meanwhile my Nagas did extremely well without any mold problem.
Yeah not the same pepper dude. bhuts are larger plants different leaf structure and the pods are larger. They are also supposed to be less productive than nagas. Although personally have had better success with bhuts. Not sure why.
Bhuts also turn light green to red
nagas turn a darker green to red
Now throw Naga Jolokia into the mix... and Dorset Naga. Doh! ;)
Dorset and Morich ive grown them both and they look identical. That was my experience anyways.
Naga Jolokia well im still confused on what it really is. PC-1 or Bhut i dont know.
What are your thoughts head pepper
madhatter said:
What are your thoughts head pepper
I'm far from an expert! You guys are the experts. I just eat 'em and sauce 'em.
I couldn't tell a difference in heat level, but I thought the naga had a fruitier flavor compared to the bhut. Both have a good flavor though.

Well, now that I will be able to taste both (gracias, my friend), I can't wait to find out how similar they are. If the naga has the same sort of taste, I'll gladly sacrifice the extra bit of heat (that I'd never be able to differentiate) for heavier yields.
I grew Bhut, Dorset Naga and Bih Jolokia last year. All 3 were different. The Bhuts were by far the largest pod and had the best flavor IMO. Very aromatic and uniquely fruity. All 3 were blazing hot and tasty. The Bih made the most pods, but the Bhut the Dorset were not far behind. The Bhuts suffered the most from early season blossom end rot, but they eventually got sorted out and were fine. While these are extremely hot, they do not compare to the 7 Pod in terms of heat. I had 4 Bhut plants. 1 Bih and 3 Dorset and ended up with about 1400 pods. Basically, a lifetime supply after I dried most of them and froze a few. After last year, the Bhut is my new favorite pepper, along with the Jalapeno of course.