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Arrowhead Peppers!!!

These are a Red Rocoto pepper strain that for whatever reason look like pendulum's and arrowheads. I rescued the plant last December and have since seen it back to health... but "arrowhead" peppers?Maybe someone else has seen em do this before but I for one, have not. They're delicious and pack quite a punch!


By fuseboxshot at 2012-08-14


By fuseboxshot at 2012-08-14
Nice. I've can't say I've ever seen that shape with C. pubescens, but I have some C. chinense with a different sort of arrowhead look
There are several pod variations like that with manzanos/rocoto peppers.

I've had Yellow,Red and orange pods look like that.

I don't know if it is a specific trait of any one variety.
It might be a growing condition thing.
I've had a plant do that one harvest and not put out pods like that the next.

I think it might have to do with heat and water when the pod set.
Seems I get more of that shape in the heat of Aug.
Could be a combination of growing conditions and genetics.
I really don't know.
Dude! I fully agree and thankyou for your input. I've done every search I possibly can on rocoto/manzano images and couldn't find anything similar. It's good to know that someone has. I think it's pretty cool my self. :P
PM me if you are interested in a seed trade.
I have a lot of seeds from 3 1/2 inch or bigger Manzano pods.
Some grow big pods but some just grow a ton of pods.
Seeds are from BIG pods from Northern California,Guatamala, Mexico in general. Some are from different places and called Locoto ot Rocoto in the place the seeds came from - Ecuador,Peru,Bolivia or wherever.All are C.Pubescens.

This is not an SASBE post for free seeds to all the google crowd or whatever.