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Yea, I've had 85 Dom rose out of magnum. Best champ I've had was 88 Tattinger blanc de blanc or NV Billicart salmon rose. But to answer your question meh, champ just doesn't do what red wine does over time in the bottle. Don't get me wrong its great and all but it just seems pointless to spend big money to get old or vintage champ.
Do you want to drink a 25 year old Bordeaux with me someday, Ryme?
Oh FFS! TNR beat me to it. fug it whateva
What is greater than God, more evil than Satan, rich people need it, poor people have it and if you eat it you'll die?


(nothing is greater than my GOD or more evil than satan)

hogleg said:
Yea, I've had 85 Dom rose out of magnum. Best champ I've had was 88 Tattinger blanc de blanc or NV Billicart salmon rose. But to answer your question meh, champ just doesn't do what red wine does over time in the bottle. Don't get me wrong its great and all but it just seems pointless to spend big money to get old or vintage champ.
Do you want to drink a 25 year old Bordeaux with me someday, Ryme?
Oh FFS! TNR beat me to it. fug it whateva
Yes Hogleg that would be AWESOME. Wine aside, we need to grab Nate and Scott and have a pow wow.

Does LDHS fish? We all need to go wet a line and drink some suds.

What fish do ya think we should chase?
Hmm, something we can just bait fish for, so we can shoot the shit with each other. Striper? hatchery trout? Catfish?
Does LDHS fish? not sure but he knows how to drink, so that's good enough.
Whats your fav bait for hatchery trout?  I like a small crawler floated with a regular white mallow above a egg sinker.
Eggs,mellow, egg sinker, 18 inch leader line, tiny swivel. Power bait is ok too.

Catfish would be a good call,don't they eat just about anything?
Yea, my fav bait for em is, aunt chovy and chicken liver. Neither stay on the hook very well though, you have to keep em frozen or tie em on the hook.
Do you know of any spots between me and you?
I know Berryessa has great catfish but that would be quite out of the way for you, we need something in between. I know parts of the delta have good catfish I just don't know them.
I'm thinkin the fishin is kinda secondary. We all justneed to get together. I have not fished much west of Sacramento. Sorry no help. Nate is big on fishing maybe he'll chime in.

Has anyone heard from Nate of late? (See what I did there)
Yea Nate's been around, he was here yesterday. We need that feature THP was talking about, Where you can signal someone when they are needed in a thread. I agree fishing is secondary we just need to get together. Maybe even just a nice public park with picknick tables and grills.
 I had a awesome burrito for dinner from Juanita's Juanita's where the heading on their menu is "Food isn't properly seasoned unless it is painful to eat". :dance:
Whatcha having for din din?


Have you had to use the A/C yet? I'm hot!
Nope, but I have put a fan in the window the past couple days.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Or in Japanese:

Nama mugi, nama gome, nama tamago.

Ok now to answer the question:

#1 what kind of wood?
#2 is he buff or has he just started chucking?
#3 who the hell names a beaver Chuck?

So if Peter Pepper picked a peck of pickling peppers was he a member of THP & will he share the recipe?
They are there ya just need to lower your standards a bit and then they come out and play. Used to be we would have fun burning ants with a magnifying glass. Now fun seems to require expensive high tech shit. Tell ya what next time you roll by a nice park, stop the car, get out, take off your shoes, and walk barefooted around a while. OH OH, AND, if there are clouds in the sky lay down and watch them float byfor awhile. The good times are there we just need to slow down for them to catch up.

Wouldn't all that be fun? No. Well try it after a six pack. Better?
D3monic said:
they was left behind in 1998
What's the worst beer you've tasted. 
Rymerpt said:
They are there ya just need to lower your standards a bit and then they come out and play. Used to be we would have fun burning ants with a magnifying glass. Now fun seems to require expensive high tech shit. Tell ya what next time you roll by a nice park, stop the car, get out, take off your shoes, and walk barefooted around a while. OH OH, AND, if there are clouds in the sky lay down and watch them float byfor awhile. The good times are there we just need to slow down for them to catch up.

Wouldn't all that be fun? No. Well try it after a six pack. Better?
Worst actual beer? Cave Creek Chili Beer. Horrible. Anything by Miller. However, most malt liquors are disgusting (ie: Olde English, Cobra, Steel Reserve 211, Hurricane, etc)
And no six pack for me anymore.
Rymerpt is correct. Good times are still there, you just have to find them.
How does one approach a family member about their 9 year old child smearing feces on the bathroom walls and counter every time they poop? :mope:
Without tact, i'd be calling them out on that big time. Demand they wear a diaper if they can't teach their kid basic bathroom etiquette. Unless they are special needs there is not damn reason for that kind of filth. Take pics of the mess they made and text it to them, tell them how inappropriate it is and that they need to do something about it. 
I've made a rule in our house that my 5 and 7 year old boys have to sit to pee because they been just pissing all over everything without regard. I called my exwife and said we need to squash that shit and that they need to sit at her house too.
How do you think you're going to handle it?
A nine year old? There need to be a shrink involved. There is big problems going on here guys. My wife works with troubled kids and agrees there needs to be a professional involved.
I built my own fish tank stands and canopy, built my growrooms in the basement, did the garden and all that in the backyard. I've never been very handy so i'm proud of the work i've done. 
Pics in a sec



Sorry no grow room pics... 
Favorite car you've owned. 