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It totally depends on the "food mood" I'm in.

Do you really have favorites of any food or beverage, or do you actually just respond with the "fav" of the moment when someone asks because you know culturally it's expected of you?
Champagne (and rust, thanks to the Buffalo winters). She will be getting replaced in the next year or two though.

When was the last time you threw a yo-yo?
Interesting. I've never heard anyone use the phrase "throw a yo-yo." The way I've always heard it uses "yo-yo" as a verb, as in "when was the last time you yo-yoed?" And yeah, I looked it up in the dictionary - it's listed as a noun, adjective, and verb.

Do you think using the phrase "throw a yo-yo" is a regional thing? Or is it something you alone or your family personally use?
I think it is more of a yo-yo sub-culture thing. Players from all over the world say it like that.

What sort of spicy foods do you plan on eating today?
Not planning on anything, as my son is cooking - I never know what he's going to make or how he's going to make it.

If you could pick any penny, what year would it be?
"... anything that looks like a fabric washer...." Hm. I've never heard a poncho described this way. Plus, there are plastic rain ponchos I don't think would fit that definition. But it's almost 100F here, with no rain in site - so does it matter?

Isn't this the only real Poncho? (poncho villa)
Considering they just recently did an experiment that found it twice, yes.

LHC at CERN experiments found unknown bosen mass exhibiting behavior consistent with Higgs particle theory; however, further data and analysis needed to positively i.d. this particle as a Higgs (7-4-2012).

Where were you the night chicago died?

What? If 1974, East Lansing, MI probably at Dooley's (if I remember correctly). How did I miss this momentous event? How about yourself?