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Ask the next person three or four questions about themselves

I believe that sky debris will but not the whole thing.
I don't know.
She is too skinny.

What makes you cry?
Have you ever done anything illegal?
What are you craving right now?
Yes plenty of things ..
something hot ...

What is something that excites you on a daily basis?
Fold or scrunch?
Organised chaos or super neat?
Both. But on a very limited basis.

Does sex excite more when you're not getting any?
How far away does your most physically-distant relative live? (That you know of, of course)
Where do you usually put your keys when you're done with them, or is it always a crapshoot?
watertown n.y.
in a bowl in living room

how many times a week are you having sex
have you ever been arrested
what size are your jeans

Can you wiggle your ears without touching them?
Can you touch your nose with the tip of your tongue?
Are you double-jointed?

Where is your favourite place in your current house?
Where is the most random place you have ever been in your opinion?
Sweet or Savoury?
The bathroom.
Don't remember, I was prolly drunk.

Who is your favorite author?
Other than hot stuff, what is another passion of yours?
Disco music or country?
Roald Dahl
Disco (My olds listened to the Beegees)

If you could only have 3 things out of your current wallet/purse what would they be?
If you had to choose 1 person to swap lives with who out of Tom Cruise, Dave Grohl, Jennifer Lopez or Weird Al Yancovich would you pick??
And Why?
Tape recorder, I.D. and something else.
J.L. because we are both chicks.

Who is peeping in your window?
How many pepper varieties are you growing?
If your spouse and one of your parent's were on a sinking ship who would you save?
Someone freakishly tall! ! ( I live on the 2nd story)
Hmm roughly 40?? I will have to check
My spouse

Car or bike?
What's your favourite number?
If you had to give up your worst habit, would this alter your life?
I would be $80 richer every week....

What is the last thing you:
...regret doing?
...were pleased you did?
...made a tough call on? (and did your call turn out for the best or not?)
I never make calls, someone makes decisions for me!

Have you read Soylent Green?
Can you dance?
What is the last romantic gesture you made?
Only when nobody's home.
Kissed my Wife.

Who is the last person you kissed?
Have you ever been to a Zoo?
Are you easy to like?
My ex girlfriend about a year ago.
Yes but I don't like them. The animals all look very sad.
If someone takes the time to get to know me.

What was the first movie you remember seeing?
What was your dream car as a kid?
How do you take your coffee? (If not Coffee, what caffeine are you addicted too?)
I don't remember! Probably Never Ending Story or Marry Poppins or something.
Stretch Limo. One I could live in. It was going to be the schnitzel!
Depends. Real coffee: double-shot soy flat white, no sugar. Instant stuff: white, no sugar.

What was the first movie you remember disliking?
Did any "innocent" movie ever creep you out as a kid?
Did you cry when Optimus Prime died?

I remember my dad got a VCR player when they were new (look it up kids) and the first movie we rented was The Ten Commandments. (more for Charlton Heston than the relgiousness) I remember feeling a bit shocked by the whole first born dying thing. And it was so boring and long for a kid :P

Despite that last answer I have an absolutely atrocious memory and can't really remember any kid films off the top of my head:P

WTF Optimus Prime died!!!! :(

What song have you listened to over and over again and never gotten sick of?
How many musical instruments can you play?
Have you ever daydreamed or (night)dreamed yourself as a rockstar?

yes they're musical themed questions :P
For some reason, At The Drive-In - Rolodex Propaganda comes to mind (maybe 'cause I had on repeat in the car the other day... and it wouldn't be the first time!). It has this energy or something that just pumps me. It sure would be a sight to see me driving past when I'm cranking it and getting charged.... :lol:
Maybe when I was like 10 or something.... :lol:

What song are you least likely to admit that you like (but you will now :P)?
What is the first song you can remember liking?
Did any of your parents music stick on you?