contest August Throwdown

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How 'bout ice-cream? Two people made ice-cream for July and I was close to making it.

Has to have chilli obviously, but ice-cream can be savoury, sweet, sour, anything goes.

I can imagine the creativity blowing up on this. Good challange to get people out of their comfort zones.

Ice-cream is really easy to make too. Don't need an ice-cream maker, just patience.
Ice cream..... How about "frozen confections", to open it up to things like sorbet, grenache and whatever other frozen goodies people make?
I like the ideas like last month, chopped style, similar to one of my favourite shows, Iron Chef, 1 core ingredient and to make dish/s from it, whether it be entree, main, dessert. Leaves the style, type of food for the throw down to peoples wild imaginations.

So what ingredient?

Corn?? as above
I think all throwdowns should be chopped style. It makes people think harder into newer and better food the im sure hasnt been made ever.

maybe have everyone throw in one ingredient and than have THP make a draw for 4 of them out of a hat!?!?! I think that sounds fun
I could go with ice cream. i like the FRESH corn idea too or even DRIED corn even combining the two. Hell, I admit it, I just like corn.

Iron Chef style would be cool to do. 1 ingredient and you have to make 4 dishes with it. would really pull at the creativity strings but might keep some from getting in whether its from having to come up with 4 dishes or the added expense of creating 4.
I'm not down with ice cream but I'll watch/vote. Don't really wanna have to buy an ice cream maker for a TD.

Same with deep fried - I don't own a deep fryer do that would be hard to compete in.

I really liked July's "must use 4 ingredients - go!" style though - that was a level playing field.
State/County Fair Food could be kinda fun!

Of course...I'd have to go do some "research".....aaahhhh, Bummer! hahahahahaha
anything "fresh" (corn) or from the garden are probably out of season Down Under.
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