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Aus newbie q's

Timmmy newbie said:
So when is the start of the Aussie growing season? Months ago?

I just put heeps of seeds in yesterday and I'm wondering if its too late?

I started some of my seeds in June with the aid of a heatmat, still got more to germinate this season. I'll keep sowing seed for another month or so yet.

What doesn't take off this season will have a head start next year after wintering in my greenhouse.
Good to hear I'm not too late.

Heres the first pepper for my season, well not really as I've had a good 20-30 small tinny ones but this one looks like its going to go full term

bugger looks like i've lost both of my 7 pot plants today with the first hot 35c day of the season (95F)

That means I've already lost three 7 pots now!!!

On a happier note my jolokia plant is the by far the healthiest plant I've ever had. It's looking great and is covered in buds and a few peppers
That sucks dude.

It was pretty hot here today as well - 29c. I had mine under shade cloth. When I checked them out this arvo they looked like they enjoyed it enough.

It's been bloody cold here for ages and then it turned this week. Hell, it didn't even pass through being warm - it just went straight to hot.

Good luck with them, mate.

Yeah talk about extremes, a cold front just came through and dropped the temp a good 10c in minutes.

One of the plants never looked good and that one looks crappy but the only healthy looking 7 pot has basically melted. All plants except the jolokia were under cover so they didn't even get much sun.

oohh well :) the other plants look good
I have some bugs:


Any idea if there bad? I nuked them anyway but I'm guessing theres more.

The bugs were on my bih plant which is full of flowers, I've given up pinching as they seem to just grow back days later.

Bih jolokia

I've also grabbed some fertz for the peppers.

I got some Yates MULTI nutrient, I will use this for my young plants - contains blood & bone, manure, fish emulsion ans seaweed. Stimulates strong healthy plant growth. N 10% p 4% k 6%

The other fert I got was for the Bih which is teeming with flowers. Seeing that its in full pod mode I grabbed a tomato food which is supposed to be used only once flowers show up. I figured it would be good for fruit? It does say its good for any fruiting plant. N 8% P 3% K 10%

Any comments? I didn't really bother with fertilizers last year and after walking around Hippy's garden and seeing his massive pods I figured I've been doing something wrong up till now lol


:party: hahaha I guess its the weather, the plants looking really healthy

lol I have to say they still pack a mean punch I'm seriously :onfire:
Cool, thanks for the ID

I didn't cut back the jolokia over winter and it has produced all the way through winter but only little tiny pods. I'm just waiting for the bigger ones now. There sort of cool as I can eat them whole hahahaha lol Do you think I should post a vid " I just ate a whole bih jolokia" lol
Very healthy looking plant Timmy.

BTW during the summer my plants were exposed to 95F temps probably on most days. That may have not been what killed your 7 pods, especially if you had them shaded.
I seem to have had some bad luck with the 7pots, first died of extreme sun burn, another died on a hot day but I've measured the soil ph since and found it was really low. Then my last 7pot got half eaten after recovering from bad sunburn lol

The choc bhuts are starting to look good now, all of the new growth looks really healthy since I started with the fertz. The old growth was all wrinkly.

choc bhut


The fatali keeps producing buds every week. When should I give up on pinching?

My dorset and bih jolokia have started to go purple since starting wth the fertilizer. Is it okay or does that mean I'm over doing it. Ohh yeah we just had some really hot intense sun over the last few days so the leaves are a bit wrinkly.

Very nice looking plants Timmy.
Is that measuring tape in cm or in?

BTW some of my plants have that purple tint to some of the stems,
I think that may be normal. (I hope)
The plants that have purple bits are my dorset and bih jolokia. Both are growing like crazy so I guess its a good sigh :)

The tape is in cm so only 40 cm but I'm so keen to let it start friuting as its a one year old plant that was a dud last year. I sooo want some fatali peppers lol